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Table of Contents


Attendance: Miriam Centeno, Nena Couch, Courtney Hunt, Johanna Meetz, Dan Noonan, Terry Reese, Beth Snapp and Maureen Walsh

Guests: Sue Beck,


Action Items Review


Regrets: Terry Reese

Guests: Sue Beck,


Action Items Review


  • Recap of JamBoard session
  • Additional insights
  • UL Communications UL Communications plans
  • Additional Insights:
    • An overarching concern expressed here and in other conversations is how does the UL define “digital projects”?
    • The University Libraries (UL) has a lack of overall priority management:
      • Who decides on the priority?
      • What drives the priority decisions?
    • The UL lacks digital content policy to clarify the selection criteria for long-term preservation and stewardship versus transactional work that can be discarded; preservation and long-term stewardship of digitized content is assumed, as opposed to being assessed. UL should be looking to balance:
      • retaining all digitized content to ease access (research must go on while everyone works remote) and
      • discarding one-off content that does not support a priority or strategic plan

Update of SIPOC/RACI/Brainwriting sessions:


Attendance: Miriam Centeno, Nena Couch, Courtney Hunt, Johanna Meetz, Dan Noonan, Terry Reese, Beth Snapp and Maureen Walsh

Guests: Sue Beck, Sarah Collier, Amy McCrory


Action Items Review


  • Dan: Do we need SIPOC for Access Services re: Google Books?
  • Dan/Sue: Recap JamBoard discussion

June 23, 2020

Attendance: Miriam Centeno, Nena Couch, Courtney Hunt, Johanna Meetz, Dan Noonan, Terry Reese, Beth Snapp and Maureen Walsh

Guests: Sue Beck, Karla Streib & Jenifer Vinopal


Welcome of guests & new member
