Table of Contents | ||
January 26, 2021
Attendance: Morag Boyd, Miriam Centeno, Nena Couch, Courtney Hunt, Johanna Meetz, Dan Noonan, Terry Reese, Beth Snapp and Maureen Walsh
Guests: Sue Beck
- Review of Digital Preservation Ethos Framework
- Workflow Analysis Update
Action Items Review:
- BTAA follow-up
- Generally well received
- Need to specify When and by whom annual review will be conducted
- Need to address Ohio States' and University Libraries' commitment to accessibility
- Tweak "Challenges" section; seems less about actual challenges and more about per-requisites
- Make changes and share w/DP&A and Jennifer V.
- Workflow Analysis Update
- Showed new status tracking pages
- Process getting back on track
Action Items Review:
- BTAA follow-up regarding checklists for digitization prioritization
- Miriam to check with Preservation Group
- In general literature is at least 10 years old and as old 30 years
- LC had point system - Miriam could follow-upMiriam
- Quantify actual conservator bench time; however, no documentation on decision-making
- Miriam will also follow-up with NYPL
- Robust program internal and outsourced; but also no
- Courtney to follow-up with Schaumberg Institute - they directed up to NYPL
- Nena: UCLA - prioritization template link broken; Nena will send contact info to Miriam along with contact at NYPL
- Dan to check with Digital Preservation Group's documentation – Cannot find any
- Miriam to check with Preservation Group
Other business: n/a
Action Items:
- Miriam to continue to seek out digitization prioritization documentation
December 22, 2020
Attendance: Miriam Centeno, Nena Couch, Courtney Hunt, Johanna Meetz, Dan Noonan, Terry Reese, Beth Snapp and Maureen Walsh
Guests: n/a
- Workflow Analysis Update
Regrets: Terry Reese
Guests: Sue Beck,
Action Items Review
Attendance: Miriam Centeno, Nena Couch, Courtney Hunt, Johanna Meetz, Dan Noonan, Terry Reese, Beth Snapp and Maureen Walsh
Guests: Sue Beck, Sarah Collier, Amy McCrory
Action Items Review
- Dan: Do we need SIPOC for Access Services re: Google Books?
- Dan/Sue: Recap JamBoard discussion
June 23, 2020
Attendance: Miriam Centeno, Nena Couch, Courtney Hunt, Johanna Meetz, Dan Noonan, Terry Reese, Beth Snapp and Maureen Walsh
Guests: Sue Beck, Karla Streib & Jenifer Vinopal
Welcome of guests & new member