Label | Obligation | Repeatable | Description | CV/Syntax | Notes | Examples |
Type/Resource Type | Required | No | The primary nature or genre of the described resource. | DCMI Type Terms | Use "Image" for all cartoons regardless of additional text | Image |
Title | Required | No | The primary name given to the described resource. | BICLM prefers title case. | Title may be found on work or devised by cataloger based on speech balloon or description. See Description - Examples for how to clarify source of title in Description field. | Step right up, folks! Profit's my name, death's my game! |
Alternative Title | Optional | Yes | Any alternative title for the described resource, including abbreviations and translations. | BICLM prefers title case. | ||
Creator | Recommended | Yes | The person or group primarily responsible for the creation of the work. | Use of LCNAF is preferred. For creators not in LCNAF, follow LCNAF's standards, i.e. name in inverted order. | Sanders, Bill, 1933- (http://id.loc.gov/authorities/names/no2010163117) | |
Contributor | Optional | Yes | A person or group responsible for making secondary contributions to the work. | Use of LCNAF is preferred. For creators not in LCNAF, follow LCNAF's standards, i.e. name in inverted order. | ||
Genre | Recommended | Yes | A term or terms that designate a category characterizing a particular style, form, or content, such as artistic, musical, literary composition, etc. | Getty AAT | editorial cartoons (http://vocab.getty.edu/page/aat/300123431) | |
Language | Recommended | Yes | The language(s) of the work's content. | ISO 639-2 codes | eng | |
Publisher | Recommended | Yes | The person or group making the work available in a formal publication process. | Use of LCNAF is preferred. | Only use this field for published versions of works. | |
Date Created | Required, if available | Yes | The date on which the work was created. | W3C Date Time Format (DTF); Extended Date Time Format (EDTF) | ||
Date Issued | Required, if available | Yes | The date(s) on which the work was issued, e.g. published. | W3C Date Time Format (DTF) | ||
Date Copyrighted | Required, if available | Yes | The date(s) on which the work was copyrighted. | W3C Date Time Format (DTF) | If there is a copyright statement on the work, enter the year indicated as YYYY (four-digit year). | |
Date | Optional | Yes | A point or period of time associated with an event in the lifecycle of the resource. | W3C Date Time Format (DTF) | Use only for original art when the date on the work is the presumed date of publication. | |
Summary | Recommended | Yes | An explanation of the work’s content. | n/a | Briefly describe in about one to three sentences the imagery. May refer to color or monochrome aspects of work either in Summary or Description. | This monochrome cartoon shows a skeleton salesman offering guns in a store display to prospective buyers. Behind the salesperson is a sign, “GUN LOBBY INC. ONE HANDGUN SOLD EVERY 13 SECONDS IN THE U.S.” |
Description | Optional | Yes | Describe or note other aspects of the work that are not appropriate to the Summary or other fields. | n/a |
Version | Optional | No | Use for denoting different versions of a work. | Local:
| ||
Staff Notes | Optional | Yes | Internal notes that should only be accessible to logged in users. | n/a | Note controlled vocabularies used for specific fields. | Genre=Getty AAT; Subject=LCSH & LCNAF |
Format | Required, if available | Yes | The file format(s) of the work whether born-digital or digitized from an analog source. | IANA Media Types | image/tiff | |
Medium | Recommended | Yes | The material or physical carrier of the resource. | Getty AAT recommended | While Getty AAT is recommended, local terms may be used as appropriate. For example, "duotone paper" is not in Getty AAT. |
Extent | Optional | Yes | The size or duration of the resource. | Record height × width in centimeters. | 28.5 x 36 cm | |
Repository | Required, if available | No | The name of the repository where the original resource is located. | LCNAF | For reformatted works, only indicate repository if the item is physically held by OSUL. | Ohio State University. Billy Ireland Cartoon Library & Museum |
Collection | Required, if available | No | Name of the collection that the work is a part of. | n/a | Collection name should be consistent with how it is listed in related records, e.g. finding aid and catalog record. | International Museum of Cartoon Art Collection and Records |
Provenance | Optional | Yes | A statement of any changes in ownership and custody of the resource since its creation that are significant for its authenticity, integrity, and interpretation. | n/a | For donors, may enter as "Donor:" before indicating name. | |
Related Finding Aid | URL | https://library.osu.edu/collections/SPEC.CGA.IMCA/ | ||||
Related URL | ||||||
Identifier | ||||||
Collection Identifier | ||||||
Published In | Optional | Yes | Bibliographic information related to the work. | n/a | Use only for works that were formally published. Do not enter dates as their own entry in this field. | Milwaukee Journal |