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Table of Contents


  • Gaps identified and categorized based upon issues raised during DP&A monthly meetings, and identified during the workflow analysis exercises. These were placed in the "Parking Lot": 
    1. Lack of digital content policy:
      1. Clarify the selection criteria for long-term preservation and stewardship versus transactional work that need to be discarded
      2. Is it in alignment with existing collection strategies?
      3. Is it in alignment with organizational goals/strategies?
      4. Investigate peer institution decision-making criteria?
    2. Lack of overall priority management:
      1. What drives the priority decisions?
      2. Who decides on the priority? (A committee once had the authority)
      3. What is an appropriate governance model?
    3. Lack of process controls (essential for a sustainable system)
      1. Develop rubric for life-cycle preservation decision-making
      2. Develop SOP for patron requests
    4. Lack of consolidated project documentation and designated repository for it
    5. Loss of transfer of knowledge resulting from staff turnover. 
  • Discussion prompts:
    • Identify what are our deepest priorities to set up task groups around; i.e. what are the one or two things over winter to get action going on?
    • Approach this activity in a mode of incremental or iterative change. It doesn’t have to be perfect out-of-the-box.
    • Who should be invited to the task group(s)?
    • What would a timeline for a first iteration look like?
    • What can be an exemplar?
  • Key Ddiscussion Discussion points:
    • With the SIPOC exercise happening at such a high and modelized level, actual technological gaps may not have yet been identified

Other business:


    • Gaps #3, 4 & 5 could be combined as having process controls, that are documented, and therefore able available for knowledge transfer.
    • The gap analysis actually seems to be a good outline of a framework. While there may be a bit of "chicken and egg" aspect to it, it may lend itself to working relatively linearly from top to bottom.
    • With the SIPOC exercise happening at such a high and modelized level, actual technological gaps may not have yet been identified.
    • A lot of what we want to be able to do are resource dependent, human and technological. We have to be careful in articulating what we can and cannot do, based upon our resources.
    • Outside of traditional project-based digitization and patron requests, what other public services models could we consider to deploy?
    • What resources exist at Ohio State that are not in the Libraries that can be leveraged or referenced?
    • Need to identify the criteria elements (e.g. lifecycle categories, collection polices/strategies, ties to organizational strategies/policies, critical decision points/considerations, etc.)
  • Next Steps:
    • Form Digital Content Policy Workgroup:
      • Morag Boyd
      • Miriam Centeno
      • Nena Couch
      • Dan Noonan
      • Gene Springs
      • Address Items 1a through 1d at a minimum, keeping track of when the investigation "spills into" (or intersects) with Issues 2 through 5.
      • Target Completion: January 31, 2021
    • Form a Priority Management Workgroup:
      • Members TBD
      • Work will be dependent upon the initial findings of the Digital Content Policy Workgroup
      • Target Completion: March 31, 2021

Other business: None

Action Items:

  • BTAA follow-up regarding checklists for digitization prioritization
    • Miriam to check with Preservation Group
    • Dan to check with Digital Preservation Group's documentation
  • Create and launch digital content policy sub-group - Dan

September 22, 2020

Attendance: Miriam Centeno, Nena Couch, Courtney Hunt, Johanna Meetz, Dan Noonan, Terry Reese, Beth Snapp and Maureen Walsh


Regrets: Terry Reese

Guests: Sue Beck,


Action Items Review


Attendance: Miriam Centeno, Nena Couch, Courtney Hunt, Johanna Meetz, Dan Noonan, Terry Reese, Beth Snapp and Maureen Walsh

Guests: Sue Beck, Sarah Collier, Amy McCrory


Action Items Review


  • Dan: Do we need SIPOC for Access Services re: Google Books?
  • Dan/Sue: Recap JamBoard discussion

June 23, 2020

Attendance: Miriam Centeno, Nena Couch, Courtney Hunt, Johanna Meetz, Dan Noonan, Terry Reese, Beth Snapp and Maureen Walsh

Guests: Sue Beck, Karla Streib & Jenifer Vinopal


Welcome of guests & new member
