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Table of Contents


Attendance: Morag Boyd, Miriam Centeno, Nena Couch, Courtney Hunt, Dan Noonan, Terry Reese, Beth Snapp and Maureen Walsh

Regrets: Johanna Meetz & Terry Reese

Guests: Sue Beck,


Update of SIPOC/RACI/Brainwriting sessions:


Next Steps Priorities Discussion and Action Plan

  • Gaps identified and categorized based upon issues raised during DP&A monthly meetings, and identified during the workflow analysis exercises. These were placed in the "Parking Lot": 
    • Lack of digital content policy:
      • Clarify the selection criteria for long-term preservation and stewardship versus transactional work that need to be discarded
      • Is it in alignment with existing collection strategies?
      • Is it in alignment with organizational goals/strategies?
      • Investigate peer institution decision-making criteria?
    • Lack of overall priority management:
      • What drives the priority decisions?
      • Who decides on the priority? (A committee once had the authority)
      • What is an appropriate governance model?
    • Lack of process controls (essential for a sustainable system)
      • Develop rubric for life-cycle preservation decision-making
      • Develop SOP for patron requests
    • Lack of consolidated project documentation and designated repository for it
    • Loss of transfer of knowledge resulting from staff turnover. 
  • Discussion prompts:
    • Identify what are our deepest priorities to set up task groups around; i.e. what are the one or two things over winter to get action going on?
    • Approach this activity in a mode of incremental or iterative change. It doesn’t have to be perfect out-of-the-box.
    • Who should be invited to the task group(s)?
    • What would a timeline for a first iteration look like?
    • What can be an exemplar?
  • Key Ddiscussion points:
    • With the SIPOC exercise happening at such a high and modelized level, actual technological gaps may not have yet been identified

Other business:

Action Items:


Regrets: Terry Reese

Guests: Sue Beck,


Action Items Review


Attendance: Miriam Centeno, Nena Couch, Courtney Hunt, Johanna Meetz, Dan Noonan, Terry Reese, Beth Snapp and Maureen Walsh

Guests: Sue Beck, Sarah Collier, Amy McCrory


Action Items Review


  • Dan: Do we need SIPOC for Access Services re: Google Books?
  • Dan/Sue: Recap JamBoard discussion

June 23, 2020

Attendance: Miriam Centeno, Nena Couch, Courtney Hunt, Johanna Meetz, Dan Noonan, Terry Reese, Beth Snapp and Maureen Walsh

Guests: Sue Beck, Karla Streib & Jenifer Vinopal


Welcome of guests & new member
