Versions Compared


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Table of Contents


List all suppliers of the process step
List all inputs to the process step
  • First Step
  • Step 2
  • Step 3
  • Step 4
  • Step 5
  • Step 6
  • Last Step
List all outputs pf the process step
List all of those supported by the process


Phase 1: Identify & name the high-level process

Phase 6
Phase 5

Phase 2

  • First Step
  • Step 2
  • Step 3
  • Step 4
  • Step 5
  • Step 6
  • Last Step
Phase 3
Phase 4
Once you complete a SIPOC, it can be reviewed with project sponsor(s), champion(s) and other involved stakeholders for verification.


Below is a conceptual view of the partial outcome of a hypothetical brainwriting session that examines the process steps of various worfkflows, with a more granular look at their sub-processes. This can then be used to identify similarities, differences, intersections and gaps.

Brainwriting Tool: Google Jamboard

Jamboard is an easy and simple tool that provides us with the ability to utilize “sticky notes” and free style drawings to create details, to build up the activities that occur within each process step of our SIPOCs. The goal is to conduct an activity that combines Brainwriting and Affinity Mapping/Diagramming. In a nutshell:

  • Affinity Maps/Diagrams allows us to group ideas in various categories.  
  • Brainwriting allows users to participate without:
    • a single voice shadowing others
    • fear of contribution
    • having to worry about speaking out
    • Brainwriting also eliminates the filtering by facilitator, which can introduce bias or any accidental omissions.

We will use the very basic versions of both activities in order to generate all possible actions and details that take place within each step of a SIPOC, understanding that we may have to add additional categories as we zoom in from the “satellite view” to “street level” perspective.

How do we use Jamboard?

It is super simple with 5 color sticky notes, multiple frames and free-style annotations/connections capabilities. While we will supply shareable links for the Brainwriting exercises, you can do the following to familiarize yourself with the tool:

  1. Go to
  2. Click the + in the orange circle located in the lower right corner of the screen
  3. Select the background if you like (I like the dotted style so I can keep things neat and nicely aligned)
  4. You have the following options in the vertical menu:


AdministrationBusiness Office     
Content & Access:Access Services: ILS     
 Acquisition & Discovery: Acquisitions Moon Kim & Morag Boyd (tentative)

SIPOC Exercise 2020.06.30

Kickoff 2020.05.15

 Acquisition & Discovery: Archival Description & AccessManaging Born Digital Archival MaterialsCate Putirskis, Ashleigh Minor & Morag Boyd (tentative)

Complete by 2020.06.12

SIPOC Exercise 2020.06.01

Kickoff 2020.05.15

 Acquisition & Discovery: Bibliographic InitiativesMorris Levy

SIPOC Exercise 2020.05.27 (potential related SIPOCs w/ILS and ERMT)

Kickoff 2020.05.15

RACI Completed 2020.06.02 
 Acquisition & Discovery: ERMT Anita Foster & Morag Boyd (tentative)

SIPOC Exercise 2020.06.24

Kickoff 2020.05.15

 Acquisition & Discovery: Metadata InitiativesMetadata WorkflowAnna Klose, Ariel Bacon & Morag Boyd (tentative)

Complete by 2020.06.12

SIPOC Exercise 2020.06.02

Kickoff 2020.05.15

 Collection Strategy     
 Preservation & DigitizationClassic Digitization ProjectMiriam Centeno, Sarah Collier, Marcela Estevez & Amy McCrory 

SIPOC Follow-up 4/8/2020

SIPOC Exercise 4/2/20102

 Preservation & DigitizationDigitization WorkMiriam Centeno, Sarah Collier, Marcela Estevez & Amy McCrory SIPOC submitted 4/13/2020No 
 Preservation & DigitizationProject Proposal

Miriam Centeno, Sarah Collier, Marcela Estevez & Amy McCrory

SIPOC Exercise 2020.06.05  
 Scholarly Sharing: Copyright Services Maria Scheid & Maureen WalshSIPOC Exercise 2020.06.19  
 Scholarly Sharing: Publishing and Repository Services Johanna Meetz, Sean Moodie & Maureen WalshSIPOC Exercise 2020.06.19  
ITApplication Development & Support     
 Digital Initiatives & Infrastructure     
 Digital Preservation     
Research & EducationMusic Library     
Special Collections & Area Studies:Archives: Byrd Polar Archives, Ohio Congressional Archives & University ArchivesArchives DigitizationTamar Chute, Carly Dearborn, Michelle Drobik, Kevlin Haire, Laura Kissel & Halle Mares

SIPOC Follow-up 2020.05.23

SIPOC Exercise 2020.05.18


RACI Completed 2020.06.08sub-divided some process steps within RACI
 Archives: Byrd Polar Archives, Ohio Congressional Archives & University ArchivesDigital AccessTamar Chute, Carly Dearborn, Michelle Drobik, Kevlin Haire, Laura Kissel & Halle MaresDraft SIPOC 2020.06.08  
 Archives: Byrd Polar Archives, Ohio Congressional Archives & University ArchivesBorn Digital AccessionsTamar Chute, Carly Dearborn, Michelle Drobik, Kevlin Haire, Laura Kissel & Halle MaresDraft SIPOC 2020.06.08  
 Area Studies     
 Billy Ireland Cartoon Library & MuseumProject Digitization (excluding AV)Jenny Robb, Marilyn Scott, Caitlin McGurk, Wendy Pflug,  Susan Liberator  & Anne DrozdSIPOC Exercise 2020.06.10  
 Billy Ireland Cartoon Library & MuseumAV Project Digitization    
 Billy Ireland Cartoon Library & MuseumPatron on Demand    
 Billy Ireland Cartoon Library & MuseumBorn Digital    
 ExhibitsDigital ExhibitsKen Aschilman, Nena Couch & Beth Snapp

SIPOC Follow-up 2020.06.18

SIPOC Exercise 2020.06.10

 ExhibitsPotential: Digital materials in traditional exhibitsKen Aschilman & Nena Couch   
 Thompson Special CollectionsProject DigitizationJolie Braun, Nena Couch, Mara Frazier, Rebecca Jewett, Eric Johnson, Pasha Johnson, Lisa Iacobellis & Beth Kattelman

SIPOC Exercise 2020.06.08

SIPOC Exercise 2020.06.02

SIPOC Exercise 2020.05.26

 Thompson Special CollectionsPatron on DemandNena Couch, Rebecca Jewett & Lisa Iacobellis   
 Thompson Special CollectionsBorn DigitalNena Couch, Mara Frazier & Beth Kattelman   
