A good portion of the indexing work should be completed by Fall 2017, at which time user usability testing and analysis will begin in earnest. The user-centered design will progress from proof of concept to pilot, to fully-functioning platform service throughout the academic year. The intention is to begin deprecating older services some time in 2018.
The most effective way to measure success is through user-centered design. We will track improvement by making ongoing comparisons of usability data that we began analyzing in Spring 2016 for the Discovery Inquiry Proposal. User Experience Leads Robyn Ness and Meris Mandernach began performing usability testing in April 2017, providing even more data to guide us during this process. These presentations summarizing their findings:
OSU Web/Discovery User Usability Testing (pptx)
Discovery Project User Usability Testing (pptx)
Analysis of OSUL web site visiits (including the library catalog)