Jiji Manga 266
May 31, 1926 政局安定? 政黨安定?
時事漫画 / 主筆 北澤樂天, 久天, 拔天, 稻天 稠 編輯
大正 十五年 (1926年) 五月 三十一 日
時事新報 附錄 (日曜畵報 第 二百六十六 號)
Call No. PN6790.J32 J55 at Cartoon Library & Museum
Transcription of Contents
政局安定? 政黨安定? 聯立成らず憲本黙契憲硏諒解の碇を缷ーて一先づ內閣安定のつもり? 政本黨硏究會( political cartoon by 樂天)
Texts: “漫畫の話 (十五)” by 在田稠 with cartoon "動物擬人化の例" by 白鼠、"漫聲亂發" by 樂珍、"覚江方の色々" by P生. Cartoon: cartoon without title by 小川筍, cartoon without title and signature (1 Panel), cartoon without title by 抜 (3 Panel), "日本独特の北極探検" by unknown signature.
Texts: "人性測定器" by T・O生、”筑波から霞ヶ浦まで” with cartoon "霞の浦" by 精、cartoon without title and signature, cartoon "". Cartoons: "晴れた日曜日の散歩は何処へ" by 秀策.
Cartoon: cartoon without title by 久夫 (6 Panels), cartoon without title by 久(8 Panels)、”泥棒は各自で取り押さえますう” without signature (1 Panel), cartoon without title and signature (1 Panel).
Cartoon: “お伽漫画﹣長壽少年物語﹣牛若丸” by 稻天 (9 panels), cartoon without title and signature.
Text: "子供になった雀"by 芝佳吉 with cartoons by 木村柚(2 Panels) and without signatures (2 Panels).
本社特約- ドフ君とダブ君 Mr. Dough and Mr. Dubb by F. Opper (20 Panels)
Cartoon: “やさしい画のかき方” (90) by 樂天(1 Panel), cartoon without title and signature (1 Panel), cartoon without title by 抜 (1 Panel), cartoons without title by 抜(7 Panels)
Key words, alternate romanizations, translations
Kitazawa, Rakuten (北沢楽天 1876-1955)
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