DC Requested Features - Hyrax vs. Hyku comparison

DC Requested Features - Hyrax vs. Hyku comparison


Must Have/Nice to Have





Must Have/Nice to Have




Granular permissions/roles - MI and IT need admin access, curatorial departments need access to their content regardless of visibility, other OSUL staff, e.g. Copyright Services, also need access to content regardless of visibility
(FLOW-3449 and FLOW-3450)

Must have


3 roles: Administrator, Manager, and Depositor for each tenant

Super Administrator for the entire repository


DC currently has customized permissions that were initiated due to limitations with Samvera Sufia. If DC gets Hyrax upgrade, those customizations should be removed.

Collections as objects (FLOW-912)

Must have



Most admin sets require hierarchical arrangement that mirrors the finding aid and providing collection’s context. BICLM would prefer to not use collections as objects. Some works not associated with a collection would need an artificial collection.

Add administrative sets (FLOW-2654)

Must have



Hilandar’s content has been waiting for years. This blockage reflects the customized permissions and DC landing page rather than actual capabilities in both Samvera platforms.


Nice to have




Advanced Search (FLOW-1609)

Must have

No? - Need to see if hosted solutions, e.g. HykuUP provide that as an add-on

Yes, with Blacklight

Blacklight used for several apps. As of April 2023, there are discussions in the Samvera community about whether the Advanced Search capability with Blacklight will be deprecated.

Add metadata fields
(existing functionality)

Must have

Yes with developer work

Yes with developer work

DC already uses additional Dublin Core fields not supported “out-of-the-box” and custom metadata fields. There is interest in the Hyku community to implement/incorporate Project Surfliner which could be a game changer for this.

Customize facets (FLOW-1664 and FLOW-2647)

Must have

Yes with developer work

Yes with developer work

Need to add and remove facets as necessary

Customize metadata labels
(existing functionality)

Must have

Yes with developer work

Yes with developer work

See above

Support for linked data controlled vocabularies (FLOW-3398)

Nice to have


Yes, with Questioning Authority gem

MI is requesting this capability which is commonly used in Hyrax repositories. Curatorial units are lukewarm about it. However, MI believes it could support mediated deposit workflows in the future. Another consideration is DC metadata that would require remediation before implementing this gem.

PDF viewing through IIIF Viewer (FLOW-3393)

Must have

Yes with developer work?

Yes with developer work

SoftServ has made progress in this area.

Sorting records customization (FLOW-3392)

Nice to have?



The default sorting criteria is not helpful. This is an issue in the Samvera community (Sorting a collection by relevance doesn't make much sense · Issue #4308 · samvera/hyrax and Add more sort options to search results page · Issue #3558 · samvera/hyrax). Patrons have complained about this.

Full record display redesign (FLOW-2035)

Must have?


Yes with developer work

At the least, it’s necessary to undo the two-column layout that was customized. The current ordering of fields is not intuitive. The default layout may or may not be suitable.

Brief record display - Redesign & functionality

Must have


Yes with developer work

Goal is to include more fields in brief record display based on various scenarios, e.g. different date types

Redesign work creation/edit form
(FLOW-1667 and FLOW-3448)

Must have


Yes with developer work

This would support mediated deposit. MI already knows the data entry requirements for each field.

Conversion of EDTF dates (FLOW-3206)

Must have


Yes with developer work

See Duke and Emory for examples, also Support for EDTF dates · Issue #5079 · samvera/hyrax

Searching for date by timeline in facet (FLOW-3391)

Must have


Yes with customization in Blacklight facets

See Duke and Emory for examples

Ordering of values in specific fields

Nice to have

Yes, with developer work?

Yes, with OrderAlready gem

In RDF, there is no ordering of values. That is a known problem in the Samvera community. For specific fields, e.g. creator, the ordering of values has meaning.

Customize OAI harvesting
(FLOW-3400 and FLOW-3207)

Must have

Yes, but not customizable

Yes, with Blacklight OAI provider. Customized in DC to include thumbnails for DPLA.

This capability currently exists in DC and has been customized. Resumption token button not working. Hyku Roadmap (Future Work) refers to the available fields and mappings as fixed; the goal is to allow them to be renamed and configured. Would like to revise OAI mappings for Qualified Dublin Core to support OAI harvest by BTAA Geoportal.

Batch/bulk import

Must have

Bulkrax enabled by default

Bulkrax can be configured as add-on

Using locally created tool. Bulkrax has more sophisticated options with error checking.

Improved reporting on batch import failures and issues (FLOW-2080)

Nice to have?

Bulkrax enabled by default

Bulkrax can be configured as add-on

Using locally created tool. Bulkrax has more sophisticated options with error checking.

Batch/bulk update

Must have

Bulkrax enabled by default

Bulkrax can be configured as add-on

Using locally created tool. Bulkrax has more sophisticated options with error checking.


Nice to have



DSpace used as an example

GIS support

Nice to have


Yes?, with GeoBlacklight


Suppress IIIF Image Viewer for specific records or units (FLOW-3522)

Must have? - Due to copyright issues

Yes with developer work

Yes with developer work

Requested by BICLM. University of Louisville’s Hyku repository has customized IIIF Viewer download options. Atla Digital Library has custom options in Hyrax work edit form to turn off IIIF Viewer as needed.

Suppress AV file downloads from IIIF Viewer (FLOW-1998)

Must have

Yes with developer work?

Yes with developer work

There was prior agreement to restrict download of AV files. Some curators would prefer mediated access for patrons through the single-use link.

Mediated deposit (FLOW-3389)

Nice to have



Out-of-the-box functionality that doesn’t work in DC

File versioning (FLOW-3396 and FLOW-3446)

Must have



Out-of-the-box functionality that doesn’t work in DC

Single-use link to file for patrons (FLOW-3440)

Must have



Out-of-the-box functionality that doesn’t work in DC

Reporting (FLOW-3390 and FLOW-3442)

Must have



Out-of-the-box functionality that doesn’t work in DC

Administrative and structural metadata is stored and displayed correctly (FLOW-2102, FLOW-3438, and FLOW-3504)

Must have



Maintenance issue?

Technical metadata and file characterization is stored and displayed correctly (FLOW-3445, FLOW-3497, FLOW-2318, and FLOW-3445)

Must have



Maintenance issue?

Parent/child records - Ability for parent record to “adopt” existing records as children (FLOW-2256)

Must have



Out-of-the-box functionality that doesn’t work in DC

Indexed terms display with correct capitalization in Facets (FLOW-2151)

Nice to have



This may be an issue with Blacklight

Capacity to ingest works that have 300+ files (FLOW-3439)

Must have



This may be a limitation with Active Fedora. Valkyrie may resolve this issue in the future.

Capacity to rearrange files and parent/child records in works with a larger number of files (FLOW-3415 and FLOW-3444)

Must have



DC currently has issues with works of larger scale both in terms of batch ingest and file-level management.

Download of all file-level metadata in SOLR (FLOW-3495)

Nice to have


Yes with developer work?

AD&O created a data dump download for DC. However, it is only on the work-level. MI currently uses a Python web scraper to collection file-level metadata for its QR process.

Patrons can download files and metadata

Nice to have

Yes with developer work?

Yes with developer work

THO Special Collections suggested this. Anna showed an example from the Lafayette Digital Repository (Samvera Hyrax) as an example.

Pull records/files into digital exhibits

Nice to have

Yes with IIIF Manifest

Yes with IIIF Manifest

There are multiple digital exhibit platforms that support pulling DC files into them through the IIIF Viewer. There are also some options for pulling Fedora content, as well, into digital exhibits.

Related information: https://libraries.atlassian.net/wiki/spaces/libraries/pages/136216577


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