MOM Priority List: Complete DarkArchive

MOM Priority List: Complete DarkArchive

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JIRA Project NumberUnitCollection (File Path)Prioritization ScoreKB MasterFurther AssessmentNotes
MOM-239RARK:\RAR-DA-Migration\Deduplication Analysis\Thurber\Thurber Collection (LDI-ok)1Noderivatives likely can be disposed 
MOM-239RARK:\RAR-DA-Migration\Deduplication Analysis\Thurber\Thurber Images from RAR group space(LDI)1No K:\RAR-DA-Migration\Deduplication Analysis\Thurber\Thurber Collection (LDI-ok) is an exact duplicate of a folder in K:\RAR-DA-Migration\Deduplication Analysis\Thurber\Thurber Collection (LDI-ok) and has several corrupted files
MOM-195BPA/archive/Dept/ARV/Polar/Lockhart Journals2NoAre these PDFs necessaryIf kept it could be whittled down to four complete journals
MOM-192RAR/archive/Dept/RAR/David F Rogers Collection (LDI-ok)2No Administrative files that need to be moved to J-drive
MOM-197RAR/archive/Dept/RAR/PAW_website_database-born digital (LDI-ok)2NoNeed to parse through various files to determine what actually needs to be kept. Website is in IA-WBM; DB should be maintained, but what else? 
MOM-198RAR/archive/Dept/RAR/Tarver Collection (LDI-ok) [FileMaker Pro Databases]2NoFileMaker Pro DBs? What are they for? 
MOM-191TRI/archive/Dept/TRI/Dare2NoA mixed bag of items not included in original analysis--keep--dispose?Where are DD masters for OhioLINK?
MOM-200BPAK:\BPA2No 1 TIFF master - Migrate; 1 TIFF derivative - Dispose
MOM-190CGAK:\CGA\CGA_Digital_Images to Migrate2No Analysis completed by DWN and x-fer to K-Drive; CGA needs to complete analysis/migration on their end.
MOM-193TRIK:\DESK-1307\Harmount Uncle Tom's Cabin2No 20171127: create MD SS, need to augment.
MOM-196TRIK:\DESK-1307\Miller2No DISPOSE
MOM-199TRIK:\DESK-1307\Tharp\Costumes2No 3 jpgs outside of "Sue's Legs" can be disposed; 20171127: create MD SS, need to augment.
MOM-194RARK:\RAR-DA-Migration\Lewis Hine photographs (LDI-ok)2No MD in PP; JPGs should be disposed of.

DWN 20171122: Moved to K:\RAR-DA-Migration\Lewis Hine photographs (LDI-ok); Ran DROID -- one image (Lewis_Hine-Rome_Italy-x41(2000)-vo.tif) not actually tif but jpg; set up initial MD SS
MOM-231ARV/archive/Dept/ARV/PhotoArchives/Script_Ohio_Book_photos3No Images used in Script Ohio Book (Marching Band's history)
MOM-244ARV/archive/Dept/ATH/Wrestling3No May be simple complex object w/jpgs
MOM-244ARV/archive/Dept/ATH/Wrestling3No May be simple complex object w/video
MOM-202RAR/archive/Dept/RAR/20131006_JessicaMitfordVideos3No Approximately 180 complex objects
MOM-204RAR/archive/Dept/RAR/Bennett-JWB_Japan_photos (LDI-ok)3NoSimple or complex by folder?May be needed for web exhibit migration
MOM-215RAR/archive/Dept/RAR/King James Bible exhibit (LDI-ok)3No Possibly simple and small complex objects. JPGs to be disposed of.
MOM-217RAR/archive/Dept/RAR/KJBV_EXHIBITn(LDI-ok)3No Possibly simple and small complex objects. JPGs to be disposed of.
MOM-219RAR/archive/Dept/RAR/Marilyn Rosenberg (LDI-ok)3NoDo we keep these? 
MOM-232RAR/archive/Dept/RAR/SPEC_RARE_73-Cox Journal (LDI-ok)3No Some additional administrative materials need to be relocated to J-Drive
MOM-233RAR/archive/Dept/RAR/SPEC_RARE_CMS_116-Sarah Piatt from Paula Bennett (LDI-ok)3NoDo we want to convert to PDF and have simple complex w/PDF for access like OCA?Are these really for the DC or are they provenance/admin/finding aid?
MOM-234RAR/archive/Dept/RAR/SPEC_RARE_MMS_138 (LDI-ok)3No  
MOM-240RAR/archive/Dept/RAR/Transeau-Stuckey Vegetation Maps (LDI-ok)3NoFull maps seem pieced together from individual TIFFS, sometimes looks OK other not so much--do you keep or re-digitize. 34 counties not all 88--is this an issue? 
MOM-245RAR/archive/Dept/RAR/Wyandot Language Materials - Buser Collection (FILES MISSING)3No64 dups w/TIFFS & jpgsMD in Finding Aid
MOM-245RAR/archive/Dept/RAR/Wyandot Language Materials - Buser Collection (FILES MISSING)3No64 dups w/TIFFS & jpgs; Are JPGs derivatives and necessary (604 may be only copy)? 
MOM-201TRI/archive/Dept/TRI/20131006/ 3No 71 complex objects (aviX2, mp4, jpgsX2, PDF & xml)
MOM-207TRI/archive/Dept/TRI/Czech Designs/3NoSome folders marked for disposal in the Analysis DB; some jpgs derivatives of tifs - need to decide what to keep. 20171129: Intrinsically linked to the jpgs which lend themselves to large complex and should be handled together regardless of priority. 
MOM-210TRI/archive/Dept/TRI/Dance Notation Bureau/TheOhioStateUniv_512_DRV013No  
MOM-213TRI/archive/Dept/TRI/Jarka Burian/3No also 2 derivative jpgs that can be disposed of.
MOM-220TRI/archive/Dept/TRI/Marosin3No72dpi jpgs taken w/digital camera. Maybe these can be kept on J-drive for administrative purposes. 4 mpgs very low resolution and quality--it looks like someone may have been trying the camera's capabilities--should be disposed. 
MOM-221TRI/archive/Dept/TRI/Mascot MMV/3No This is a project destined for KB, but is incomplete--should it still go there or more appropriately to DC?
MOM-222TRI/archive/Dept/TRI/Meridee Photos3No  
MOM-223TRI/archive/Dept/TRI/photos of Nyle Stateler at linotype3No5 jpgs of Nyle at linotype machine and 1 TIF of JL & REL that seems unrelated 
MOM-225TRI/archive/Dept/TRI/Playbills Collection3No Duplicate scan of postcard in /archive/Dept/TRI/Olentangy Park
MOM-229TRI/archive/Dept/TRI/Research Requests3No DISPOSE
MOM-329TRI/archive/Dept/TRI/Rubin/3No Derivatives in KB DISPOSE?
MOM-230TRI/archive/Dept/TRI/Scrapbook 175/PDF3No Unnecessary derivatives if DC--maybe if KB?
MOM-236TRI/archive/Dept/TRI/Svoboda and Burian3No 7 TIFFs & 3 JPG derivatives that can be disposed
MOM-241TRI/archive/Dept/TRI/Venetian Twins3No  
MOM-242TRI/archive/Dept/TRI/Walker3NoAnalysis DB says transfer to J-Drive for further eval 
MOM-290BPAK:\BPA\Cook High3NoAre these PDFs necessary 
MOM-226BPAK:\BPA\Polar Geospatial Center Map Project3No jp2K; possibly just bag these up?
MOM-297BPAK:\BPA\Wilkins High Res project3NoAre these PDFs necessary 
MOM-203CGAK:\CGA\ArnSabaKatherineCollins3No A/V
MOM-212CGAK:\CGA\Eisner3No A/V
MOM-211OCAK:\Deborah Pryce Papers\Hard Drive - Original Files\AUDIO3No These files will likely be "bagged by Terry & Dan" for later processing
MOM-205TRIK:\DESK-1307\Boccaccio3No 1 object? 20171127: Created MD SS as multiple complex objects, but should it be 1?
MOM-214TRIK:\DESK-1307\Kerz3No 20171127: create MD SS, need to augment.
MOM-216TRIK:\DESK-1307\Kingsley3No 20171127: create MD SS, need to augment.
MOM-218TRIK:\DESK-1307\Lawrence3No 20171127: create MD SS, need to augment.
MOM-224TRIK:\DESK-1307\Pitkin3No2 views of a model--do we really need?20171127: create MD SS, need to augment.
MOM-227TRIK:\DESK-1307\Postcards tifs3No 3 jpgs & a TIF; 20171127: create MD SS, need to augment.
MOM-235TRIK:\DESK-1307\Straiges3No mixed set of TIFF & JPG photos of set models
MOM-237TRIK:\DESK-1307\Tharp\Photos\TT photos jpgs3No a handful of visual duplicates
MOM-238TRIK:\DESK-1307\Tharp\Photos\tt photos tifs3No  
MOM-208TRIK:\MOR-Testing\DA-CURTISS SHOW PRINT COLLECTION 3No Needs to have images "backed out" of DC and re-ingested as complex objects
MOM-239RARK:\RAR-DA-Migration\Deduplication Analysis\Thurber\Thurber Collection (LDI-ok)3No30 derivative grayscale TIFFs that may be disposed; 54 reception admin TIFFs that probably do not belong in DC.Corrupted and missing image in K:\RAR-DA-Migration\Deduplication Analysis\Thurber\Thurber Collection (LDI-ok)\Thurber Images from RAR group space(ldi)\ThurberTIFF; 
MOM-246RAR/archive/Dept/RAR/Anderson Letters - scans for project (LDI-ok)4No  
MOM-251RAR/archive/Dept/RAR/Burroughs (LDI-ok)4NoNot "collection objects" but provenance documentationTIFF files from Wes Boomgaarden - photos documenting acquisition of the Burroughs Collection.
MOM-252RAR/archive/Dept/RAR/Cervantes illus (LDI-ok)4No Analysis DB says "DSPOSE" -- Is this correct? Additionally 12 jpgs
MOM-252RAR/archive/Dept/RAR/Cervantes illus (LDI-ok)/Cruickshank 18344No Analysis DB says "DSPOSE" -- Is this correct?
MOM-255RAR/archive/Dept/RAR/French Land Tenure Documents (LDI-ok)4No  
MOM-268RAR/archive/Dept/RAR/Rinhart Collection (LDI-ok)4No  
MOM-273RAR/archive/Dept/RAR/Vollmann Collection Scans (LDI-ok)4NoSome extraneous images with file name "._" in Year 8 folder that can be deleted.Collection needs to be private. There is good MD for Year folders, but what about the rest?
MOM-248TRI/archive/Dept/TRI/Barnett tifs4No Portraits
MOM-250TRI/archive/Dept/TRI/Burian/4No Analysis database says "Dispose"
MOM-213TRI/archive/Dept/TRI/Jarka Burian/Jarka Burian Audio Files4No  
MOM-258TRI/archive/Dept/TRI/Lighting Design4No  
MOM-262TRI/archive/Dept/TRI/Marceau by Tim Frazier4No  
MOM-265TRI/archive/Dept/TRI/Olentangy Park4No  
MOM-266TRI/archive/Dept/TRI/Our Town4No  
MOM-267TRI/archive/Dept/TRI/Rape of the Lock4No  
MOM-272TRI/archive/Dept/TRI/USITT Designs for Perf Exhibition4No Admin image; should be transferred to J-Drive
MOM-254OCAK:\Deborah Pryce Papers\Hard Drive - Original Files\VIDEOS4No These files will likely be "bagged by Terry & Dan" for later processing ≈ 200+ objects
MOM-249TRIK:\DESK-1307\Biggert photos4No  
MOM-263TRIK:\DESK-1307\Mielziner UN Blueprints4No  
MOM-264TRIK:\DESK-1307\Minstrels tifs4No  
MOM-269TRIK:\DESK-1307\Supplemental Materials Images4No 10 TIFFs & 3 JPGS
MOM-270TRIK:\DESK-1307\Tharp\Tharp Designs4NoTIFFs w/some derivative jpgs and master jpgs 
MOM-271TRIK:\DESK-1307\Tharp\Tharp Kennedy Center Scans4NoAt least one complex object more than 10Several near identical images--do you want to weed?
MOM-259RARK:\RAR-DA-Migration\Deduplication Analysis\Lillian Schwartz - scans (LDI-ok)4No  
MOM-259RARK:\RAR-DA-Migration\Deduplication Analysis\Lillian Schwartz images from all sources (LDI needs to weed)4NoNeeds significant de-duping; email files that are not rendering, mix of other things, needs additional forensics. 
MOM-239RARK:\RAR-DA-Migration\Deduplication Analysis\Thurber\Thurber Collection (LDI-ok)\Thurber Photos4No  
MOM-261RARK:\RAR-DA-Migration\Man Ray (LDI-ok)4No 20171127: Moved to K-Drive; MD SS Started.
MOM-274TRI/archive/Dept/TRI/Armbruster 5No  
MOM-275TRI/archive/Dept/TRI/Armbruster drop photos5No Appears to be theatre drops photographed in various lighting conditions
MOM-277TRI/archive/Dept/TRI/Breen/5No VLC video w/jps, tifs & other support files
MOM-279TRI/archive/Dept/TRI/Jackson Ray Lee5No  
MOM-280TRI/archive/Dept/TRI/Personalities tifs5No"Not sure what these are, but since they are tiffs, and we don’t have them elsewhere, these should be considered masters and migrated. They need further evaluation" from analysis DB 
MOM-297BPAK:\BPA\Wilkins High Res project5No  
MOM-281TRIK:\DESK-1307\Tharp\Posters5NoSeveral images in "K:\DESK-1307\Tharp\Posters\090618elr_tharp_gallery2\images" are illegible as they are 72dpi jpgs; do you really want to keep?Items in "K:\DESK-1307\Tharp\Posters\090618elr_tharp_gallery2\images" migrate, but rest of "K:\DESK-1307\Tharp\Posters\090618elr_tharp_gallery2" should be disposed of.
MOM-282ARV/archive/Dept/ARV/ALUMNI_MAGAZINE6No Where is MD?
MOM-282ARV/archive/Dept/ARV/ALUMNI_MAGAZINE6NoDo we need to keep PDFs? 
MOM-334ARV/archive/Dept/ARV/EarlyFacultyMinutes6NoDo we need to keep PDFs? 
MOM-285ARV/archive/Dept/ARV/REGISTRARS_BOOK6No PDFs (7) exist on J
MOM-286RAR/archive/Dept/RAR/SPEC_RARE_CMS_68_23 JH Vogel6No Digitized blueprints
MOM-207TRI/archive/Dept/TRI/Czech Designs/6NoA review suggest there may be a reason for doing folder-level large complex objects.Some nudity. At least one AVI.
MOM-283BPAK:\BPA\Byrd-diary6No needed for web exhibit migration
MOM-284TRIK:\DESK-1307\Czech Scenography 2015/JPEG6Noderivatives - dispose?20171128: Email trail indicates these files may have been migrated earlier this year; cannot see them in DC, but have isues w/"private" collections in TRI -- have ticket in to check.
MOM-284TRIK:\DESK-1307\Czech Scenography 2015/TIFF6No 20171128: Email trail indicates these files may have been migrated earlier this year; cannot see them in DC, but have isues w/"private" collections in TRI -- have ticket in to check.
MOM-287TRIK:\DESK-1307\Twyla Tharp, burned to disk6No Prep is complete, just need large complex object functionality to migrate
MOM-288RAR/archive/Dept/RAR/Beckett Manuscript Project (LDI-ok)7NoPotentially "Ordered Complex"Approximately 30 complex objects
MOM-219RAR/archive/Dept/RAR/Marilyn Rosenberg (LDI-ok)/Meme7NoDo we keep these? It does not seem to be a complete representation of the box and its contents. 
MOM-295RAR/archive/Dept/RAR/SPEC_RARE_74-Gilbert Diploma Collection (LDI-ok)7No JPGs? Are there TIFFs? 
MOM-296RAR/archive/Dept/RAR/Thomas L Taylor Collection - photos (LDI-ok)7No Is this really complete or was this just excerpts?
MOM-294TRI/archive/Dept/TRI/Mohler Theatre Models/7No  
MOM-289BPAK:\BPA\Byrd High7No Curator wants to ingest as ≈ 570 folder-based complex objects; folder-based MD. Additional info in J-Drive.
MOM-290BPAK:\BPA\Cook High7No Curator wants to ingest as ≈ 60 folder-based complex objects; folder-based MD. Additional info in J-Drive.
MOM-297BPAK:\BPA\Wilkins High Res project7No Curator wants to ingest as ≈ 140 folder-based complex objects; folder-based MD. Additional info in J-Drive.
MOM-291OCAK:\Deborah Pryce Papers\Processed Photographs7NoIndividual or complex @ Folder level?These files will likely be "bagged by Terry & Dan" for later processing ≈ 225+ objects
MOM-293TRIK:\DESK-1307\Mielziner New York World's Fair 1964-657No  
MOM-298TRI/archive/Dept/TRI/Hartman Theatre8No  
MOM-299TRI/archive/Dept/TRI/Marcus Scrapbook image files8NoSeems to be samples from the scrapbook and not of high quality imaging. Do we keep? 
MOM-335ARV/archive/Dept/ARV/OSU Football Programs11YesDo we need to keep PDFs? MW: Digitization is ongoing and these are staged for KB.These are redundant of what is in the KB, why keep them?
MOM-305CGA/archive/Dept/CGA/Collection_Files/Hale_Scrapbook11No Some already in DC that need to be removed and re-uploaded as complex DO.
MOM-300RAR/archive/Dept/RAR/Bellingham's Commonplace Book (LDI-ok)11No Needed for web exhibit migration; 20171127: Email re: complex object to Eric, Lisa & Terry and next steps. 20171129: Ordered Complex Object, EJ would prefer to wait for that capability before creating new web exhibit- he will communicate that to Beth S; moved it back to DA.
MOM-301RAR/archive/Dept/RAR/Bellows (LDI-ok)11No 4 complex objects; co-owned by CMA
MOM-303RAR/archive/Dept/RAR/Capital (LDI-ok)11No BagIt and put into DC unless RAR needs access to TIFs, then Complex object per issue
MOM-304TRI/archive/Dept/TRI/Dance Notation Bureau/New Dance11No  
MOM-302TRIK:\DESK-1307\Buffalo Bill Program11No A couple of minor duplicates that can be disposed of.
MOM-306ARV/archive/Dept/ARV/ANNUAL_REPORTS12Yes Higher quality, unplait PDFs; derivatives are in KB; xml MD is in "KB" folder in DarKive
MOM-315ARV/archive/Dept/ARV/Office of the President12No  
MOM-319HIL/archive/Dept/HIL/Theotokatrian12No Camera Raw need actual TIFFs
MOM-321HIL/archive/Dept/HIL/TX 723 3 M5 191012No  
MOM-322HIL/archive/Dept/HIL/TX723 3 M5 191112No  
MOM-307RAR/archive/Dept/RAR/BM765 M7 F68 176612No 1 object
MOM-308RAR/archive/Dept/RAR/Bourguignon Haiti Photos (LDI-ok)12Yes May be needed for web exhibit migration; could be treated as complex objects with text related to particular photos
MOM-310RAR/archive/Dept/RAR/Manuscript Fragments (LDI-ok)12No JPGs should be disposed of
MOM-312RAR/archive/Dept/RAR/MEDIEVAL RENAISSANCE CODICES/JPEG12NoShould these be disposed of as unnecessary derivatives?5 MSS
MOM-314RAR/archive/Dept/RAR/New York Ledger/PDF12YesDerivatives -- Dispose? MW: PDFs not yet in KB 
MOM-314RAR/archive/Dept/RAR/New York Ledger/TIFF12Yes  
MOM-323RAR/archive/Dept/RAR/Vollmann_WexnerEventVideo_2015091512Yes Really appears to be one file to be added to DC. The rest are original production files, unless we want those as part of a larger complex object?
MOM-230TRI/archive/Dept/TRI/Scrapbook 175/TIFF12No Digitized in Nov of 2016--is this KB destined or DC?
MOM-317TRI/archive/Dept/TRI/Silent Film Sheet Music/PDF12YesMW: QC work still in progressDerivatives in KB DISPOSE?
MOM-230TRI/archive/Dept/TRI/TRI SCRAPBOOK 17512NoDELETE: EXACT DUPLICATES OF /archive/Dept/TRI/Scrapbook 175/TIFF 
MOM-318TRIK:\DESK-1307\Tharp\Tharp Choreographic Notes12NoSeveral empty folders in both DA & K. some 1-1 TIFF-PDF files? Are PDFs (140) really necessary? Are these complex/ordered? 
MOM-328ARV/archive/Dept/ARV/OhioStateUniv_787_DRV01 (Hullfish)13YesBeing loaded to KB imminently 
MOM-324RAR/archive/Dept/RAR/Bourguignon Peru Photos (LDI-ok)13Yes May be needed for web exhibit migration
MOM-325RAR/archive/Dept/RAR/JC Hanks MS 1513No Metadata quality unknown; Camera raw files can be disposed of.
MOM-326RAR/archive/Dept/RAR/JC Hanks MS 1613No  
MOM-327RAR/archive/Dept/RAR/KahrlCollectionForOSUPress (LDI-ok)13No 4 bound manuscripts
MOM-330RAR/archive/Dept/RAR/SPEC_RARE_CMS_161-ToyoSuyemoto-selections (LDI-ok)13Yes  
MOM-296RAR/archive/Dept/RAR/Thomas L Taylor hard drive - archival copy (LDI-ok)13NoThis is a set of "My Pics" & "My Doc" files form a hard drive with over 1,500 duplicates that still need to be triaged. 
MOM-332RAR/archive/Dept/RAR/Zweizig Gruber - EJJ project (LDI-ok)13No  
MOM-333RAR/archive/Dept/RAR/Japanese Naval Manuscripts (LDI-ok)14Yes We have preservation and productions TIFs; decision will need to be made as to how to best construct the complex objects. Some files can be disposed of.
MOM-335ARV/archive/Dept/ARV/OSU Football Programs20Yes  
MOM-195BPA/archive/Dept/ARV/Polar/Lockhart Journals21Yes Rights issues; some images are already used in a website that is in the KB. 197 High quality jpgs are in /archive/Dept/ARV/Polar/Lockhart Journals/Archives; rest (197 alpha channel & thumbnails) could be discarded
MOM-336RAR/archive/Dept/RAR/Foxe (one folder empty)/Foxe 156321Yes  
MOM-317TRI/archive/Dept/TRI/Silent Film Sheet Music/TIFF21YesMW: QC work still in progress 
MOM-339TRI/archive/Dept/TRI/TRI_SCRAPBOOKS/21YesPlus 12 Derivative PDFs that can be disposed of 
MOM-330RAR/archive/Dept/RAR/SPEC_RARE_CMS_161-ToyoSuyemoto (LDI-ok)22Yes some individual files along w/several ordered complex

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