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These are draft metadata standards for cartoons in Digital Collections. Version 2021-02-18


Type/Resource TypeRequiredNoThe primary nature or genre of the described resource.DCMI Type TermsUse "Image" for all cartoons regardless of additional text


TitleRequiredNoThe primary name given to the described resource.BICLM prefers title case.Title may be found on work or devised by cataloger based on speech balloon or description. See Description - Examples for how to clarify source of title in Description field.

Step right up, folks! Profit's my name, death's my game!

Alternative TitleOptionalYesAny alternative title for the described resource, including abbreviations and translations.BICLM prefers title case.

CreatorRecommendedYesThe person or group primarily responsible for the creation of the work.Use of LCNAF is preferred. For creators not in LCNAF, follow LCNAF's standards, i.e. name in inverted order.
Sanders, Bill, 1933- (
ContributorOptionalYesA person or group responsible for making secondary contributions to the work.Use of LCNAF is preferred. For creators not in LCNAF, follow LCNAF's standards, i.e. name in inverted order.

GenreRecommendedYesA term or terms that designate a category characterizing a particular style, form, or content, such as artistic, musical, literary composition, etc. Getty AAT
editorial cartoons (
LanguageRecommendedYesThe language(s) of the work's content.ISO 639-2 codes
PublisherRecommendedYesThe person or group making the work available in a formal publication process. Use of LCNAF is preferred.Only use this field for published versions of works.
Date CreatedRequired, if availableYesThe date on which the work was created.

W3C Date Time Format (DTF); Extended Date Time Format (EDTF)

Date IssuedRequired, if availableYesThe date(s) on which the work was issued, e.g. published.W3C Date Time Format (DTF)

Date CopyrightedRequired, if availableYesThe date(s) on which the work was copyrighted.W3C Date Time Format (DTF)

If there is a copyright statement on the work, enter the year indicated as YYYY (four-digit year).

DateOptionalYesA point or period of time associated with an event in the lifecycle of the resource.W3C Date Time Format (DTF)Use only for original art when the date on the work is the presumed date of publication.
SummaryRecommendedYesAn explanation of the work’s content.n/aBriefly describe in about one to three sentences the imagery. May refer to color or monochrome aspects of work either in Summary or Description.This monochrome cartoon shows a skeleton salesman offering guns in a store display to prospective buyers. Behind the salesperson is a sign, “GUN LOBBY INC. ONE HANDGUN SOLD EVERY 13 SECONDS IN THE U.S.”
DescriptionOptionalYesDescribe or note other aspects of the work that are not appropriate to the Summary or other fields.n/a
  • If appropriate, transcribe copyright statement.
  • If appropriate, note if there are multiple panels within the cartoon.
  • If title was found on item, use example #1.
  • For artificial titles, use example #2.
  • If titles derived from text in speech balloons, use example #3.
  1. Title appears as it is written on the item.
  2. Title devised by cataloger.
  3. Title devised from text in first speech balloon.
VersionOptionalNoUse for denoting different versions of a work.


  • original art
  • mechanical reproduction

Staff NotesOptionalYesInternal notes that should only be accessible to logged in users.n/aNote controlled vocabularies used for specific fields.Genre=Getty AAT; Subject=LCSH & LCNAF
FormatRequired, if availableYesThe file format(s) of the work whether born-digital or digitized from an analog source.IANA Media Types
MediumRecommendedYesThe material or physical carrier of the resource.Getty AAT recommendedWhile Getty AAT is recommended, local terms may be used as appropriate. For example, "duotone paper" is not in Getty AAT.
  • ink
  • duotone paper
ExtentOptionalYesThe size or duration of the resource.
Record height × width in centimeters.28.5 x 36 cm
RepositoryRequired, if availableNoThe name of the repository where the original resource is located.LCNAFFor reformatted works, only indicate repository if the item is physically held by OSUL.Ohio State University. Billy Ireland Cartoon Library & Museum
CollectionRequired, if availableNoName of the collection that the work is a part of.n/aCollection name should be consistent with how it is listed in related records, e.g. finding aid and catalog record.

International Museum of Cartoon Art Collection and Records

ProvenanceOptionalYesA statement of any changes in ownership and custody of the resource since its creation that are significant for its authenticity, integrity, and interpretation.n/aFor donors, may enter as "Donor:" before indicating name.
Related Finding Aid

Related URL


Collection Identifier

Published InOptionalYesBibliographic information related to the work.n/a

Use only for works that were formally published. Do not enter dates as their own entry in this field.

Milwaukee Journal
  • No labels