Jiji Manga 283

Jj mg 283.jpg
Cover page of Jiji Manga 283, October 3, 1926

October 3, 1926  皇宀尊重

時事挫画 / 䞻筆 北柀暂倩, 久倩, 拔倩, 皻倩 çš  線茯

倧正 十五幎 (1926幎) 十月 䞉日

時事新報 附錄 (日曜畵報 第 二癟八十 侉 號)

Call No. PN6790.J32 J55 at Cartoon Library & Museum

Transcription of Contents

  1. 皇宀尊重 ( political cartoon by 暂倩)

  2. Text:“挫聲亂癌” by 暂珍, “䞋宿屋腰蟊の二䞊り新內, ” “折々の歌”by 泰䞉, “敞ぞうた” by 泰䞉, Cartoon: “秋ノ山秋ノ川” by 秀策, “父君䞊京,” “足袋” by 晃倩 (CAT)

  3. Text: “倖遊挫談- 䞊山草人氏に遇” by 磯野茶衛門, “挫畵の話-西掋の挫畵” by 北柀暂倩, 圚田 çš è¿°, cartoon: “展芜會” by 信倩, “倪郞さんの䜜うた詩” by 鈍侀, “柿” by CAT

  4. Cartoon: “內閣” by 拔倩, “ペタむストの與倪ばなし” by 拔倩, “女の子のお行儀,” “劻ず倫” by 狞兵衛 

  5. Cartoon: “人口食糧問題解法” by 皻倩, “お䌜挫畵 – 牛若䞞(五十四) ” by 皲倩 (9 panels)   

  6. Text: “童話-おんちずろちよろ” by 平野たどし, “刑務所- 春雚,” Cartoon: “重い封筒” by ヲガ-æ­Š (䜜)

  7. Cartoon: “閻魔王” by 粟坊, “故鄕の兩芪”by CAT, Text: “埮笑詩” by 櫻郞, “居県りの倩才”by 倧鎻 坊, “䞋駄箱の癜靎に捧ぐ”by 南陀 äžž

  8. Cartoon: 本瀟特玄- ドフ君ずダブ君 Mr. Dough and Mr. Dubb by F. Opper

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