Jiji Manga 380

Jiji Manga 380

Cover page of Jiji Manga 380, December 9, 1928
Cover page of Jiji Manga 380, December 9, 1928

December 9, 1928 銀ブラ

時事挫画 / 䞻筆 北柀暂倩, 線茯 皲倩, 拔倩, 久倫 çš 

昭和 䞉幎 (1928幎) 十二月 九日

時事新報 附錄 (日曜畵報 第 䞉癟八十 號)

Call No. PN6790.J32 J55 at Cartoon Library & Museum

Transcription of Contents

  1. Cartoon: "銀ブラ" by 暂倩 (8 panels)

  2. Text: “朚の寊で䜜れるおのがちおゐる” by みやた、あきら, “哲孞者ず金持,” “クリスマスボツクス” (illustration by Kakeshi); game: "十字語刀斷;" cartoon: “遠慮のない兒のない” by 晃倩 (1 panel) cartoon without signature (1 panel); advertisement: “セキトメ ボンボン,” “犬印滋逊糖”

  3. Text: “銀座カフェ印象蚘” by 酒井眞人, “名物食べあるき” (illustration by 拔倩); cartoon: “お鍋どん物がたヱ” by 信元 ( panels), “新東京名物䞉階建” by signature "春" (1 panel); advertisement: “倖甚垞備藥䞀二䞉,” “実効散”

  4. Cartoon: “ずんだはね子嬢 ” by 暂倩 (6 panels), “燒朚杭” by 暂倩 (1 panel, page 4 & 5), “たのぬけヌヌさん” by æ­Š (4 panels, page 4 & 5); advertisement: “埡名刺は星印”

  5. Cartoon: “゜コヌケドンチャン” by バッテン(6 panels), advertisement

  6. Text: “退屈した蓑蟲のお話當遞” by 暪山みちよ (illustration without signature), “童話を公募したす;” cartoon: “お圌の名はメンドりず呌ぶ” by F. OPPER (8 panels); advertisement: “ママヌ”

  7. Cartoon: “Happy Hooligan” ハッピ ヌフリガン - 本瀟特玄米國挫画 by F. OPPER (12 panels), “虛抮” by 瑀倩 (1 panel); text: ”冬の旅寫生に行く信州の諏蚪” by 正宗埗䞉郎, “奥さん物語䞉” by 青倩生

  8. Cartoon: “ハヌさん. ノヌさん. 小母さん聯画” by 皻田, æ­Š, 拔倩, 青田, and 暂倩 (6 panels)“お䌜挫画ヌ初瀚姬八” by 皲倩 (9 panels)

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