Instructions adding alt-text to images

Instructions adding alt-text to images

Alt-Text for Jiji Manga

There is one page for each issue of Jiji Manga. That page includes the issue number in the title (example: Jiji Manga 500) and the issue date in the table of contents (example: May 31, 1931).

You will generate a different alt-text for each page based on this pattern:

Cover page of Jiji Manga [the issue number]. [date of issue]


Cover page of Jiji Manga 500. May 31, 1931



For each page listed on this page: https://libraries.atlassian.net/wiki/spaces/JM/overview?homepageId=206438450 (there are about 500 pages, a handful have already been updated)

  1. Go into Edit mode for the page:

Screenshot of edit mode in Confluence
  1. Click once on the image to the right of the table of contents and a mini-menu will appear:

2. Click on “Edit alt text” on the mini-menu:


  1. Type in the alt-text, following the pattern defined above:


  1. To save the al-text, click Enter.

  2. Paste the same text into the caption of the image:



  1. Save the page by clicking the Update button:



  1. Once you update the page, it should look like this, as an example:


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Contact Information
Ann Marie L. Davis, PhD, MLS
Associate Professor, Japanese Studies Librarian
The Ohio State University Libraries, 1858 Neil Ave Mall, Columbus, OH 43210 | Email