Faculty Open Access Resolution
The Ohio State University Libraries Open Access Resolution
January, 2012
The faculty of University Libraries of The Ohio State University is committed to disseminating the fruits of its research and scholarship as widely as possible. In keeping with that commitment, the faculty of University Libraries adopts the following policy, effective July 1, 2012:
Each University Libraries faculty member grants to The Ohio State University permission to make available their scholarly articles to the public and to exercise the copyright in those articles. In legal terms, the permission granted by each University Libraries faculty member is a nonexclusive, irrevocable, paid-up, worldwide, royalty-free license to exercise any and all rights under copyright relating to each of their scholarly articles, in any medium now known or later developed, for purposes of making the articles openly available in a repository, and to authorize others (such as OhioLINK) to do the same, provided that the articles are not sold for a profit.
The policy will apply to all scholarly articles authored or co-authored while the person is a member of the tenure-track faculty of University Libraries except for any articles completed before the adoption of this policy and any articles for which the faculty member entered into an incompatible licensing or assignment agreement before the adoption of this policy. Scholarly articles are typically presented in peer-reviewed scholarly journals and conference proceedings. The Dean of University Libraries or designate will waive application of the policy for a particular article upon written request by a University Libraries faculty member explaining the need.
To assist the university in distributing the articles, each University Libraries faculty member will provide an electronic copy of the final version of the manuscript upon acceptance for publication, at no charge, in an appropriate format (such as PDF). University Libraries may make the article available to the public in an Open Access repository. Each University Libraries faculty member is responsible for retaining the rights necessary for compliance with the policy, or obtaining a waiver.
University Libraries’ Faculty Advisory Council will be responsible for interpreting this policy, resolving disputes concerning its interpretation and application, and recommending changes to University Libraries faculty from time to time. The policy will be reviewed after three years and a report presented to University Libraries faculty.
(Adopted on 3/15/2012 by vote of the faculty of University Libraries)
(Updated on 12/8/2022 by vote of the faculty of University Libraries)
How to comply with the Open Access Resolution
Your publication agreement
- Read your publication agreement. You may already have the rights you need to archive your manuscript!
- If your publication agreement does not allow you to retain the necessary rights, talk to your publisher. For help, visit University Libraries OA Resolution - Rights Help.
- If you cannot get the rights you need, request a waiver. For instructions, see University Libraries OA Resolution - Requesting a waiver. Note: Even if you request a waiver, you still need to submit your manuscript - it just won't be made openly available.
- Sign and return your publication agreement.
Archiving your manuscript in the Knowledge Bank
Prepare your manuscript for archiving
- Add any necessary information to the manuscript, based on your publisher's requirements.
- We also suggest adding a statement such as, "This is a peer-reviewed manuscript version. The final version will be published in (journal name)."
- Make sure to read your publication agreement carefully and make any changes or additions to your manuscript before you submit, because files in the Knowledge Bank will not be changed once they are archived.
If you want to submit it yourself
- Convert the file to PDF.
- Log into the Knowledge Bank: https://kb.osu.edu/login.
- Click the 'Start a new submission' link and choose the collection 'Research, Publications, and Presentations (Ohio State University Libraries).' Or, visit the collection home page (http://hdl.handle.net/1811/127) and click 'Submit a new item to this collection.'
- Follow the steps in the submission process. For more detailed instructions, visit this page.
If you want help with submitting
Once you have prepared your manuscript for submission, email libkbhelp@lists.osu.edu. The KB staff can walk you through the submission process, or can submit for you.
After publication
If you would like to add the final citation to the metadata, or add a final, publisher PDF version after publication, contact libkbhelp@lists.osu.edu.
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