Strategic Initiatives / Projects Reviews

Strategic Initiatives / Projects Reviews

Expanding Visions Foundation Partnership / Quanetta Batts

Reviewed November 7, 2018  Supported

Columbus Metropolitan Library Partnerships / Ken Aschliman and Tony Maniaci

Reviewed December 5, 2018  Partial support

University Institute for Teaching and Learning and Libraries' Teaching and Learning Partnership / Amanda Folk and Craig Gibson

Reviewed January 9, 2019  Supported

Hathi Trust Shared Print Partnership / Gene Springs

Reviewed January 22, 2019  Supported

Organizational Wellness Initiative / Quanetta Batts

Reviewed February 6, 2019  Supported

Discovery Platform / Terry Reese

Reviewed February 19, 2019  Supported

Using Agile Methodology in Special Collections Processing / Cate Putirskis and Russell Schelby

Reviewed March 5, 2019  Completed 

Strategic Initiative / Project Review: Open Access Monograph Initiative / Maureen Walsh

 Reviewed April 2, 2019  Supported

Strategic Initiative / Project Review: Mary P. Key Diversity Residency Program / Quanetta Batts

Reviewed April 30, 2019  Supported


Strategic Initiative / Project Review: Special Collections Research Awards Program / Jennifer Vinopal

Reviewed April 30, 2019  Supported


Strategic initiative / project review: Staff Mentorship Program / Karen Ferris and Cate Putirskis

Reviewed May 14, 2019  Supported

Strategic Initiative / Project Review: Libraries Staff Professional Development Grants / Corazon Britton and Christine OConnell

Reviewed June 26, 2019  Supported

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