MOM Priority List: OCA - Ohio Congressional Archives

MOM Priority List: OCA - Ohio Congressional Archives

Master Objects Migration Project Plan Home

JIRA Project NumberUnitCollection (File Path)Priority ScoreKB MasterFurther AssessmentNotes
MOM-211OCAK:\Deborah Pryce Papers\Hard Drive - Original Files\AUDIO3No These files will likely be "bagged by Terry & Dan" for later processing
MOM-254OCAK:\Deborah Pryce Papers\Hard Drive - Original Files\VIDEOS4No These files will likely be "bagged by Terry & Dan" for later processing ≈ 200+ objects
MOM-291OCAK:\Deborah Pryce Papers\Processed Photographs7NoIndividual or complex @ Folder level?These files will likely be "bagged by Terry & Dan" for later processing ≈ 225+ objects

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