MOM Priority List: RAR - Rare Books and Manuscripts Library

MOM Priority List: RAR - Rare Books and Manuscripts Library

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JIRA Project NumberUnitCollection (File Path)Priority ScoreKB MasterFurther AssessmentNotes
MOM-239RARK:\RAR-DA-Migration\Deduplication Analysis\Thurber\Thurber Collection (LDI-ok)1Noderivatives likely can be disposed 
MOM-239RARK:\RAR-DA-Migration\Deduplication Analysis\Thurber\Thurber Images from RAR group space(LDI)1No K:\RAR-DA-Migration\Deduplication Analysis\Thurber\Thurber Collection (LDI-ok) is an exact duplicate of a folder in K:\RAR-DA-Migration\Deduplication Analysis\Thurber\Thurber Collection (LDI-ok) and has several corrupted files
MOM-192RAR/archive/Dept/RAR/David F Rogers Collection (LDI-ok)2No Administrative files that need to be moved to J-drive
MOM-197RAR/archive/Dept/RAR/PAW_website_database-born digital (LDI-ok)2NoNeed to parse through various files to determine what actually needs to be kept. Website is in IA-WBM; DB should be maintained, but what else? 
MOM-198RAR/archive/Dept/RAR/Tarver Collection (LDI-ok) [FileMaker Pro Databases]2NoFileMaker Pro DBs? What are they for? 
MOM-194RARK:\RAR-DA-Migration\Lewis Hine photographs (LDI-ok)2No MD in PP; JPGs should be disposed of.

DWN 20171122: Moved to K:\RAR-DA-Migration\Lewis Hine photographs (LDI-ok); Ran DROID -- one image (Lewis_Hine-Rome_Italy-x41(2000)-vo.tif) not actually tif but jpg; set up initial MD SS
MOM-202RAR/archive/Dept/RAR/20131006_JessicaMitfordVideos3No Approximately 180 complex objects
MOM-204RAR/archive/Dept/RAR/Bennett-JWB_Japan_photos (LDI-ok)3NoSimple or complex by folder?May be needed for web exhibit migration
MOM-215RAR/archive/Dept/RAR/King James Bible exhibit (LDI-ok)3No Possibly simple and small complex objects. JPGs to be disposed of.
MOM-217RAR/archive/Dept/RAR/KJBV_EXHIBITn(LDI-ok)3No Possibly simple and small complex objects. JPGs to be disposed of.
MOM-219RAR/archive/Dept/RAR/Marilyn Rosenberg (LDI-ok)3NoDo we keep these? 
MOM-232RAR/archive/Dept/RAR/SPEC_RARE_73-Cox Journal (LDI-ok)3No Some additional administrative materials need to be relocated to J-Drive
MOM-233RAR/archive/Dept/RAR/SPEC_RARE_CMS_116-Sarah Piatt from Paula Bennett (LDI-ok)3NoDo we want to convert to PDF and have simple complex w/PDF for access like OCA?Are these really for the DC or are they provenance/admin/finding aid?
MOM-234RAR/archive/Dept/RAR/SPEC_RARE_MMS_138 (LDI-ok)3No  
MOM-240RAR/archive/Dept/RAR/Transeau-Stuckey Vegetation Maps (LDI-ok)3NoFull maps seem pieced together from individual TIFFS, sometimes looks OK other not so much--do you keep or re-digitize. 34 counties not all 88--is this an issue? 
MOM-245RAR/archive/Dept/RAR/Wyandot Language Materials - Buser Collection (FILES MISSING)3No64 dups w/TIFFS & jpgsMD in Finding Aid
MOM-245RAR/archive/Dept/RAR/Wyandot Language Materials - Buser Collection (FILES MISSING)3No64 dups w/TIFFS & jpgs; Are JPGs derivatives and necessary (604 may be only copy)? 
MOM-239RARK:\RAR-DA-Migration\Deduplication Analysis\Thurber\Thurber Collection (LDI-ok)3No30 derivative grayscale TIFFs that may be disposed; 54 reception admin TIFFs that probably do not belong in DC.Corrupted and missing image in K:\RAR-DA-Migration\Deduplication Analysis\Thurber\Thurber Collection (LDI-ok)\Thurber Images from RAR group space(ldi)\ThurberTIFF; 
MOM-246RAR/archive/Dept/RAR/Anderson Letters - scans for project (LDI-ok)4No  
MOM-251RAR/archive/Dept/RAR/Burroughs (LDI-ok)4NoNot "collection objects" but provenance documentationTIFF files from Wes Boomgaarden - photos documenting acquisition of the Burroughs Collection.
MOM-252RAR/archive/Dept/RAR/Cervantes illus (LDI-ok)4No Analysis DB says "DSPOSE" -- Is this correct? Additionally 12 jpgs
MOM-252RAR/archive/Dept/RAR/Cervantes illus (LDI-ok)/Cruickshank 18344No Analysis DB says "DSPOSE" -- Is this correct?
MOM-255RAR/archive/Dept/RAR/French Land Tenure Documents (LDI-ok)4No  
MOM-268RAR/archive/Dept/RAR/Rinhart Collection (LDI-ok)4No  
MOM-273RAR/archive/Dept/RAR/Vollmann Collection Scans (LDI-ok)4NoSome extraneous images with file name "._" in Year 8 folder that can be deleted.Collection needs to be private. There is good MD for Year folders, but what about the rest?
MOM-259RARK:\RAR-DA-Migration\Deduplication Analysis\Lillian Schwartz - scans (LDI-ok)4No  
MOM-259RARK:\RAR-DA-Migration\Deduplication Analysis\Lillian Schwartz images from all sources (LDI needs to weed)4NoNeeds significant de-duping; email files that are not rendering, mix of other things, needs additional forensics. 
MOM-239RARK:\RAR-DA-Migration\Deduplication Analysis\Thurber\Thurber Collection (LDI-ok)\Thurber Photos4No  
MOM-261RARK:\RAR-DA-Migration\Man Ray (LDI-ok)4No 20171127: Moved to K-Drive; MD SS Started.
MOM-286RAR/archive/Dept/RAR/SPEC_RARE_CMS_68_23 JH Vogel6No Digitized blueprints
MOM-288RAR/archive/Dept/RAR/Beckett Manuscript Project (LDI-ok)7NoPotentially "Ordered Complex"Approximately 30 complex objects
MOM-219RAR/archive/Dept/RAR/Marilyn Rosenberg (LDI-ok)/Meme7NoDo we keep these? It does not seem to be a complete representation of the box and its contents. 
MOM-295RAR/archive/Dept/RAR/SPEC_RARE_74-Gilbert Diploma Collection (LDI-ok)7No JPGs? Are there TIFFs? 
MOM-296RAR/archive/Dept/RAR/Thomas L Taylor Collection - photos (LDI-ok)7No Is this really complete or was this just excerpts?
MOM-300RAR/archive/Dept/RAR/Bellingham's Commonplace Book (LDI-ok)11No Needed for web exhibit migration; 20171127: Email re: complex object to Eric, Lisa & Terry and next steps. 20171129: Ordered Complex Object, EJ would prefer to wait for that capability before creating new web exhibit- he will communicate that to Beth S; moved it back to DA.
MOM-301RAR/archive/Dept/RAR/Bellows (LDI-ok)11No 4 complex objects; co-owned by CMA
MOM-303RAR/archive/Dept/RAR/Capital (LDI-ok)11No BagIt and put into DC unless RAR needs access to TIFs, then Complex object per issue
MOM-307RAR/archive/Dept/RAR/BM765 M7 F68 176612No 1 object
MOM-308RAR/archive/Dept/RAR/Bourguignon Haiti Photos (LDI-ok)12Yes May be needed for web exhibit migration; could be treated as complex objects with text related to particular photos
MOM-310RAR/archive/Dept/RAR/Manuscript Fragments (LDI-ok)12No JPGs should be disposed of
MOM-312RAR/archive/Dept/RAR/MEDIEVAL RENAISSANCE CODICES/JPEG12NoShould these be disposed of as unnecessary derivatives?5 MSS
MOM-314RAR/archive/Dept/RAR/New York Ledger/PDF12YesDerivatives -- Dispose? MW: PDFs not yet in KB 
MOM-314RAR/archive/Dept/RAR/New York Ledger/TIFF12Yes  
MOM-323RAR/archive/Dept/RAR/Vollmann_WexnerEventVideo_2015091512Yes Really appears to be one file to be added to DC. The rest are original production files, unless we want those as part of a larger complex object?
MOM-324RAR/archive/Dept/RAR/Bourguignon Peru Photos (LDI-ok)13Yes May be needed for web exhibit migration
MOM-325RAR/archive/Dept/RAR/JC Hanks MS 1513No Metadata quality unknown; Camera raw files can be disposed of.
MOM-326RAR/archive/Dept/RAR/JC Hanks MS 1613No  
MOM-327RAR/archive/Dept/RAR/KahrlCollectionForOSUPress (LDI-ok)13No 4 bound manuscripts
MOM-330RAR/archive/Dept/RAR/SPEC_RARE_CMS_161-ToyoSuyemoto-selections (LDI-ok)13Yes  
MOM-296RAR/archive/Dept/RAR/Thomas L Taylor hard drive - archival copy (LDI-ok)13NoThis is a set of "My Pics" & "My Doc" files form a hard drive with over 1,500 duplicates that still need to be triaged. 
MOM-332RAR/archive/Dept/RAR/Zweizig Gruber - EJJ project (LDI-ok)13No  
MOM-333RAR/archive/Dept/RAR/Japanese Naval Manuscripts (LDI-ok)14Yes We have preservation and productions TIFs; decision will need to be made as to how to best construct the complex objects. Some files can be disposed of.
MOM-336RAR/archive/Dept/RAR/Foxe (one folder empty)/Foxe 156321Yes  
MOM-330RAR/archive/Dept/RAR/SPEC_RARE_CMS_161-ToyoSuyemoto (LDI-ok)22Yes some individual files along w/several ordered complex

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