MOM Priority List: CGA - Billy Ireland Cartoon Library & Museum

MOM Priority List: CGA - Billy Ireland Cartoon Library & Museum

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JIRA Project NumberUnitCollection (File Path)Priority ScoreKB MasterFurther AssessmentNotes
MOM-190CGAK:\CGA\CGA_Digital_Images to Migrate2No Analysis completed by DWN and x-fer to K-Drive; CGA needs to complete analysis/migration on their end.
MOM-203CGAK:\CGA\ArnSabaKatherineCollins3No A/V
MOM-212CGAK:\CGA\Eisner3No A/V
MOM-305CGA/archive/Dept/CGA/Collection_Files/Hale_Scrapbook11No Some already in DC that need to be removed and re-uploaded as complex DO.

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