Master Objects Defined

Master Objects Defined

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The Master Objects Repository Task Force was charged in 2014 as a next step in the Libraries’ discussion concerning what it means to be a trusted repository and a cultural heritage organization providing long-term preservation of digital objects. The Task Force represented the first steps in realizing the recommendations laid out in the Ohio State University Libraries (OSUL) Digital Preservation Policy Framework, moving beyond the theoretical discussion and laying out specific definitions and practices for the management of digital assets within the Libraries’ storage environment. The MOR Task Force Report lays out the outcomes of those discussions, provide a set of recommendations, and point to areas where additional investigation is needed as the Libraries continues to reshape its digital preservation infrastructure. Below are the digital object types defined in the report.

Master Objects




Other Storage

Preservation Master:

The original digital object, migrated digital object, or a digitized object in a content format identified for long-term preservation that best supports the preservation, provenance and authenticity of the information and essence of the digital object.




Provisional Master:

The original digital object, migrated digital object, or a digitized object in a content format that has not been identified for long-term preservation. 

Until superseded by an appropriate Preservation Master



Derived Master:

A high quality derivative created from a Preservation Master that is utilized to create access copies; further, the effort to create the derivative is resource intensive enough—and the desired access is high enough—to warrant preserving the file.

Conditional: to be disposed of when a more effective means of creating access copies is identified

As Appropriate

As Appropriate

[1] “Permanent” indicates a commitment to ongoing curation as defined under “Preservation” in “Normalizing the Language” section above.

Derived Objects




Other Storage

Derived Master:

A high quality derivative created from a Preservation Master that is utilized to create access copies; further, the effort to create the derivative is resource intensive enough—and the desired access is high enough—to warrant preserving the file.

Conditional: to be disposed of when a more effective means of creating access copies is identified

As Appropriate

As Appropriate

Working Copy:

A copy or high quality derivative of a preservation master that is utilized to create access copies and will be disposed of once the access copies are complete and placed in an appropriate access system.

Maintain while creating access copies; dispose once access copies/project has been vetted



Access Copy:

A derivative–typically of lower quality–created from a derived master or working copy that is intended for consumption by our patrons and/or the public.

Life of Project; Archival review of project



Reproduction Copy:

A high quality derivative that is distributed to a consumer/patron for their personal re-use and may be stored on shared drive or other designated area, for ease of access.

Conditional: to be disposed when a more effective means of providing re-use copies is identified



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