"12th Century Animation"

"12th Century Animation"


Emakimono (絵巻物), often simply called emaki, is a Japanese word meaning "picture scroll".  Emaki is a horizontal, illustrative narrative form created during the 11th to 16th centuries. They often depict battles, romance, religion and folk tales, or stories of the supernatural.  They are drawn, stamped, or painted on a handscroll, and combine both illustration and narrative.  This combination of words and images is an intriguing parallel to the animation of today.

The phrase "12th century animation" comes from a book by Japanese author Isao Takahata, in which he compares modern art techniques with those used in Heian era picture scrolls.  This book is in the Ohio State University Library's collection here.

 Choju Giga

Short for Choujuu-Shinbutsu Giga, Choujuu Giga (鳥獣戯画) is a famous set of four Emaki scrolls belonging to the Kouzan-ji temple in Kyoto, Japan.  The name translates to "Caricatures of Animals and Humans," and they are credited as the origin of right to left reading in manga and novels of Japan today.
    The scrolls illustrate a group of animals bathing, getting ready for a ceremony, and playing.  They have been adapted into several novels, and are believed by some to be the origin of manga.

 Shigisan Engi

Literally "The Legend of Mount Shigi," Shigisan Engi (信貴山縁起) is a picture scroll that depicts the miracles worked by a 9th century Buddhist monk Myoren.  Like Choujuu Giga, there are many who think this work from the 12th century is the origin of modern manga.

Resources in Ohio State's Library Catalog

Catalog Search on Emaki

Emakimono no kenchiku o yomu by Koizumi Kazuko, Tamai Tetsuo, Kuroda Hideo hen 

Shinpan Emakimono ni yoru Nihon jōmin seikatsu ebiki by Shibusawa Keizō, Kanagawa Daigaku Nihon Jōmin Bunka Kenkyūjo hen 

Catalog Search on Choju Giga

Chōjū giga by Kushida Magoichi kaisetsu 

Catalog Search on Shigisan Engi

Shigisan engi emaki by shippitsu Chino Kaori

Web Resources

Emakimono in Wikipedia

Emakimono: The Art of the Japanese Painted Hand Scroll by Dietrich Seckel 

Choju Giga on Wikipedia 

The Choju Giga Scrolls 

Shigisan Engi on Wikipedia 

Shigisan Engi Images 

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