MOM Metadata Requirements

MOM Metadata Requirements

Master Objects Migration Project Plan Home

Based upon Draft Application Profile as of 2017-08-21

Digital Collection system Data Dictionary (http://go.osu.edu/DC-DataDictionary)

Batch Metadata

  • Unit (Required): This is the library unit responsible for the materials (Billy Ireland Cartoon Library and Museum, University Archives, etc.)
    • Digital Collection Label = Unit
  • Collection (Required): This identifies the collection to which the materials belong (e.g. Mary Jo Kilroy Papers or Admiral Richard E. Byrd Papers). Currently it is a locally defined metadata term within the Digital Collections system. It most directly maps to Dublin Core Element "Relation" as does the Sub-Collectionmetadata field (e.g. District Affairs: Outreach: Franked Mailings or Artwork in the Admiral Richard E. Byrd Papers, respectively).
    • Digital Collection Label = Collection

DRAFT: Individual Metadata Elements

Some values may be batch supplied for all items - e.g. rights, sub-collection, etc.

ElementDigital Collection LabelMandatoryRequired (if applicable)Recommended (if applicable)Optional
Abstract or SummaryAbstract or Summary   X
Access RightsRightsX  X
Alternative TitleAlternative Title    
Bibliographic CitationPublished In   X
cidcid X  
Collection IdentifierCollection identifier X  
ContributorContributor  X 
CreatorCreator X  
Date Copyrighted?  X 
Date CreatedDate  X 
Date Issued?   X
DescriptionNotes  X 
Extent?   X
Format?   X
Is Format OfFormat   X
KeywordKeyword   X
LanguageLanguage X  
LocationLocation  X 
MaterialsMaterials   X
MeasurementsMeasurements   X
pidpid X  
Preservation Level RationalePreservation level rationaleX   
Preservation Level ValuePreservation levelX   
Preservation Level Value Date Assigned?  X 
ProvenanceProvenance   X
PublisherPublisher   X
Related URLRelated URL   X
Resource TypeTypeX   
SourceCall number???  X 
SpatialPlace   X
Staff NotesStaff Notes   X
Sub-CollectionSub-Collection X  
SubjectSubject  X 
Time PeriodTime period  X 
Work Type Genre   X
Other (any other defined element)    X


ElementRepeatableDescriptionInstructionDC elements 1.1ExamplesMetadata Schema
Access RightsNoInformation about who can access the resource or an indication of its security status.Under the “Permissions” tab, select who should have the ability to read and download a resource.rights> Public (visible to the world)

> Private (visible to users/groups specified, if any)

> Ohio State (visible to all Ohio State users)
DC Terms.accessRights
IdentifierYesA unique handle describing the resource. An example would be a DOI for a journal article, or an ISBN or OCLC number for a book.Enter identifier by means of a string conforming to a formal identification system.identifier> (BICLM): d_12791

> (BPCRC): Byrd7638_2
DC Terms.identifier
Preservation Level RationaleNoThe reason a particular Preservation Level Value was applied to the object.Enter Preservation Level Rationale to record the reason for applying the preservation Level Value.n/a> Preservation Master

> Provisional Master
Preservation Level ValueNoA value indicating the set of preservation functions expected to be applied to the object.The preservation level may be assigned by the repository or requested by the depositor and submitted as metadata.   n/a> FullPREMIS.preservationLevelValue
Resource TypeYesPre-defined categories to describe the type of resource content being uploaded, such as "article" or "dataset." More than one type may be selected.Select resource type from provided options from the DCMI Type Vocabulary.type> Image

> Other
DC Terms.type
RightsNoInformation about rights held in and over the resourceSelect the most appropriate statement about various property rights associated with the resource.  Consult with the Copyright Resource Center if you need assistance making this determination.rights> This item, made available for research and educational purposes, may be protected by copyright; the user is responsible for making a final determination of copyright status.DC Terms.rights
TitleYesAn identifying phrase given to describe a resource.Transcribe or construct the title information according to a content standard and implement consistently across the collection. If there is no existing title, provide a concise descriptive phrase that indicates with the image depicts or refers to the subject, materials, form, or function of the work. If there are multiple titles, use the most commonly known title in “Title” as this is the title that will be used for search result displays and prominent headings. Add other title information in “Alternative Title”title> Alice and the caterpillar

> Richard E. Byrd as a young man in a naval uniform
DC Terms.title

Required (if applicable)

ElementRepeatableDescriptionInstructionDC elements 1.1ExamplesMetadata Schema
Collection IdentifierNoAn attribute that uniquely identifies the collection. Enter identifier by means of a string conforming to a formal identification system.identifier> (TRI): SPEC.TRI.CHM

> (ARV): RG 56.1
CreatorYesAn entity primarily responsible for making the resource.  A creator can be a Personal name, Corporate name, or Meeting name.Enter the people, organizations, etc. who are responsible for the intellectual content of the original resource. Usually this is the artist, original photographer, or author of the content. Use a name authority file.  Search Library of Congress Authorities, Union List of Artist Names (ULAN), or other recommended data value standard appropriate for the resource.  If a name authority file does not exist, enter personal name as (last name, first name middle name, suffix, dates associated with a name); for corporate names, enter the organization as they commonly known.creator> Personal names: (last name, first name middle name, suffix, dates associated with a name), e.g. "King, Martin Luther, Jr., 1929-1968"

> Corporate names: (Jurisdiction name, Subordinate unit), e.g. "United States. Court of Appeals (2nd Circuit)"

> Corporate names: (Corporate name), e.g. "WGBH (Television station : Boston, Mass.)”
DC Terms.creator
LanguageYesA language of the intellectual content of the resource.Select the appropriate language of the resource using the ISO639-2 table.  language> (select ISO Language Code: ger) for German

> (select ISO Language Code: eng) for English
DC Terms.language


YesA reference to a related resource.  Part/Whole relations are those in which one resource is a physical or logical part of anotherRecommended best practice is to reference the resource by means of a string or number conforming to a formal identification system.relationJeff MacNelly CollectionDC Terms.isPartOf
pidnoParent ID

pid (Parent ID) is the main ID in the parent-child hierarchical relationship. All files associated with the object will be listed as children of this Parent ID.  All of the detail metadata for the object resides at the parent ID (pid) level.


See example MOR-DC-Complex-MD-Example.xlsx in Buckeye Box at (http://go.osu.edu/MOR-DC-MDApp-Profile)

cidyesChild ID

cids (Child IDs) are associated with all files that correspond to a pid (parent ID) which is the main ID in the parent-child hierarchical relationship. The only metadata at the child ID (cid) level is the title. All other metadata resides at the parent ID level (pid)


If parent ID (pid) is 1 all child IDs (cid) would be 1. See example MOR-DC-Complex-MD-Example.xlsx in Buckeye Box at (http://go.osu.edu/MOR-DC-MDApp-Profile)


Recommended (if applicable)

ElementRepeatableDescriptionInstructionDC elements 1.1ExamplesMetadata Schema
ContributorYesA secondary entity other than the creator responsible for making contributions to the resource.  Contributor may include a person, an organization, or a service.Enter the  people, organizations, etc. who had a role in creating the original resource, but are not considered the creator. Use a name authority file.  Search Library of Congress Authorities, Union List of Artist Names (ULAN), or other recommended data value standard appropriate for the resource.  If a name authority file does not exist, enter personal name as (last name, first name middle name, suffix, dates associated with a name); for corporate names, enter the organization as they commonly known.contributor> Personal names: (last name, first name middle name, suffix, dates associated with a name), e.g. "Picasso, Pablo, 1881-1973"

> Corporate names:  "Ohio Library and Information Network"

> Corporate names: (Jurisdiction name, Subordinate unit), e.g. "United States. Court of Appeals (2nd Circuit)"

> Corporate names: (Corporate name), e.g. "WGBH (Television station : Boston, Mass.)
DC Terms.contributor
Date CopyrightedYesDate of copyright.Enter date using the encoding scheme EDTF 1.0: Extended Date/Time Format, or ISO 8601.  Dates are accepted in the form YYYY-MM-DD, YYYY-MM, or YYYY.  If the date the resource was created is not known, leave field blank.date> 1776-07-04

> 1776-07

> 1776

> (EDTF 1.0) 2004-06-11?  for Uncertain date

> (EDTF 1.0) 1984~ for Approximately 1984
DC Terms.datecopyrighted
Date CreatedYesThe date on which the resource was generated.Enter date using the encoding scheme EDTF 1.0: Extended Date/Time Format, or ISO 8601.  Dates are accepted in the form YYYY-MM-DD, YYYY-MM, or YYYY.  If the date the resource was created is not known, leave field blank.date> 1776-07-04

> 1776-07

> 1776

> (EDTF 1.0) 2004-06-11?  for Uncertain date

> (EDTF 1.0) 1984~ for Approximately 1984
DC Terms.created
DescriptionYesAn account of the resource.Enter text, remarks or comments about the resource.descriptionImage of the second polar expedition team.DC Terms.description
LocationYesThe geographic location and/or name of the repository, building, site, or other entity whose boundaries include the original Work or Image.Recommended best practice is to use a controlled vocabulary such as the Thesaurus of Geographic Names (TGN), Union List of Artist Names (ULAN), or Library of Congress Subject Headings (LCSH)coverageOrganization: (Organizational name), e.g. "Ohio State University. Billy Ireland Cartoon Library & Museum" VRA.location
Preservation Level Value Date Assigned[1]NoThe date, or date and time, when a particular preservationLevelValue was assigned to the object. [NOT CURRENTLY AVAILABLE IN MOR/IMS]Enter date using the encoding scheme EDTF 1.0: Extended Date/Time Format, or ISO 8601.  Dates are accepted in the form YYYY-MM-DD, YYYY-MM, or YYYY.  If the date the resource was created is not known, leave field blank.n/a> 1776-07-04

> 1776-07

> 1776

> (EDTF 1.0) 2004-06-11?  for Uncertain date

> (EDTF 1.0) 1984~ for Approximately 1984
SourceYesA related resource from which the described resource is derived.  The described resource may be derived from the related resource in whole or in part.Reference the resource from which it was derived.  If the original version of an item is in the OSU collection, supply the call number or other unique identifier for that item.  source> 35 mm Negative

DC Terms.source
SubjectYesThe topic of the resource.  Use a controlled vocabulary such as the Library of Congress Subject Headings (LCSH), Art & Architecture Thesaurus (AAT), Getty Thesaurus of Geographic Names (TGN), or Thesaurus for Graphic Materials (TGM). Subject might include classification data if it is available (for example, Library of Congress Classification Numbers or Dewey Decimal numbers). Use Keyword for terms that described content that are not from a controlled vocabulary.subject> (AAT): tapestries

> (LCSH): Tapestry

> (TGM): tapestries

> (TGN): Argentina (nation)
DC Terms.subject
Time PeriodYesTemporal characteristics of the resource.  Temporal characteristics include those aspects of time that relate to the intellectual content of a resource and not its lifecycle.Enter date using the encoding scheme EDTF 1.0: Extended Date/Time Format, DCMI Period Encoding Scheme, or ISO 8601.  The time interval is indicated by specifying the start and end of the interval.  All components are optional.  If a non-numeric encoding is used then matching is maximally inclusive: i.e. if a start component is expressed as a named era then the interval being identified starts at the beginning of the era, and conversely for an end component the interval ends at the end of the named era.  If the date the resource was created is not known, leave field blank.  This field is repeatable.coverage> (ISO 8601): 1985-11-12 [Date for November 12, 1985]

> (ISO 8601): 1985-11 [Date for November 1985]

> (ISO 8601): 1985 [Date for year 1985]

> circa 1985 [Approximate single date of source content]

> (DCMI): 1985 [Single date of source content]

> circa 1985-1995 [Approximate date range of source content]

> (DCMI): 1985-1999 [Date range of source content]

>  (free text): Colonial America [Free text time period name]

> (free text): 20th Century [Free text time period name]
> (free text): 40 B.C.E. [Free text B.C.E. date]
> (EDTF 1.0) 2004-06-11? [Uncertain date]

> (EDTF 1.0) 1984~ [Approximately 1984]
DC Terms.temporal



ElementRepeatableDescriptionInstructionDC elements 1.1ExamplesMetadata Schema
Abstract or SummaryYesFree-text notes about the resource itself. It is also a good place to record information considered important that does not have another suitable element.Provide a brief summary that describes the nature of the resource. description"A color image of a toy medical kit designed to prepare children for hospital and medical procedures".DC Terms.abstract
Alternative TitleYesAn alternative name for the resource.If there are multiple titles, use the most commonly known title in "Title" field as this is the title that will be used for search result displays and prominent headings. Add other title information in "Alternative Title".titleTitle: "Fantasies in Ha-Ha". Alternative: "Forty Pictorial Stories told by Hy Mayer, an Appreciation by Roland Burke Hennessy".DC Terms.alternative
Bibliographic CitationYesA bibliographic reference for the resource.Include sufficient bibliographic detail to identify  the resource as  unambiguously as possible.identifier>Proceedings of the International Conference on Dublin Core and metadata for e-communities, 2002: DC-2002: Metadata for e-Communities: Supporting Diversity and Convergence, Florence 17 October 2002, pp. 71-80DC Terms.bibliographicCitation
Date IssuedYesDate of formal issuance (e.g., publication) of the resource.Enter date using the encoding scheme EDTF 1.0: Extended Date/Time Format, or ISO 8601.  Dates are accepted in the form YYYY-MM-DD, YYYY-MM, or YYYY.  If the date the resource was created is not known, leave field blank.date> 1776-07-04

> 1776-07

> 1776

> (EDTF 1.0) 2004-06-11?  for Uncertain date

> (EDTF 1.0) 1984~ for Approximately 1984
DC Terms.issued
ExtentYesThe size or duration of the resource.Enter a separate numeric value and the caption with a space, whether the caption appears before or after the value.format

>899 kb

>101 minutes

DC Terms.extent
FormatYesThe file format or physical medium of the resource.Enter format from a controlled vocabulary such as the list of Internet Media Types [MIME], or the online registry of technical information PRONOM.format




DC Terms.format
Is Format OfYesA related resource that is substantially the same as the described resource, but in a another format.Enter term from a controlled vocabulary such as Thesaurus for Graphic Materials (TGM), Nomenclature 4.0 for Museum Cataloging, or Art & Architecture Thesaurus (AAT). In the case where  more specific vocabulary may be necessary to represent a specific source, use preferred terms and recognized controlled vocabulary.  relation

>(TGM): Animation

>(Nomenclature): Ship, Model

>(AAT): busts (figures)

DC Terms.isFormatOf
KeywordYesWords or phrases you select to describe what the resource is about. These uncontrolled terms are used to search for content.Recommended best practice is to use keywords as local free-text fields to include important search terms without using subject headings or other controlled vocabularies. Since subject headings are recommended, when possible keywords should be used in addition to subject headings.subjectTBDDC Terms.subject
MaterialsYesThe substance of which a work and/or image is composed of. Enter material description from a controlled vocabulary such as Art & Architecture Thesaurus (AAT). In the case that a more specific vocabulary may be necessary to represent a specific resource, use preferred terms from a recognized controlled vocabulary.format>(AAT): oil paint (paint)VRA.material
MeasurementsYesThe physical size, shape, scale, dimensions, or format of the Work or image. Dimensions may include such measurements as volume, weight, area, or running time.Enter measurements by conforming to ISO 20022: Unit of Measure Codes. Values follow standard 2-letter abbreviations without punctuations. Add additional fields for each measurement entered.  Restricted data values for measurement type attributes include: area, base, bit-depth (for born-digital), circumference, count, depth, diameter, distanceBetween, duration, fileSize (for born-digital), height, length, resolution (for born-digital), runningTime, scale (for maps), size, target (for use with scale), weight, width, and other.format>Measurement: 21, Unit: cm, Type: WidthVRA.measurements
ProvenanceYesA statement of any changes in ownership and custody of the physical resource since its creation is significant for its authenticity, integrity, and interpretation. This field is repeatable.Use this field is to give a detailed history of the past ownership of a resource. Information, including dates, is recorded on successive transfers of ownership and custody here.N/A

> Commissioned and owned by John Smith from 1945-1960. Upon his death the painting was transferred to his son (1960-1992), who donated it, to the Billy Ireland Cartoon Library and Museum in 1992.

>As the official political cartoonist for the Human Rights Party, Rebekah Shelby gave her cartoons directly to the Human Rights Party.

> Provenance on this item is currently unknown. The record will be updated if the status changes.

DC Terms.provenance
PublisherYesAn entity responsible for making the resource available.Use a name authority file. Search Library of Congress Authorities or Union List of Artist Names (ULAN). publisher

>Organization: (Organizational name), e.g. "Ohio State University. Billy Ireland Cartoon Library & Museum".

> Organization: (Organizational name), e.g. "Byrd Polar and Climate Research Center Archival Program".

DC Terms.publisher
Related URLYesA link to a website or other specific content (audio, video, PDF document) related to the file.Include any URL’s from which the resource was derived.N/A>http://rave.ohiolink.edu/archives/ead/OhCoUBP0002local.relatedUrl
SpatialYesThe spatial topic of the resource, the spatial applicability of the resource, or the jurisdiction under which the resource is relevant. Spatial topic and spatial applicability may be a named place or a location specified by its geographic coordinates.Use the Thesaurus of Geographic Names (TGN) to select appropriate spatial value.coverage> World -- North and Central America -- United States – California -- Los Angeles county -- Los Angeles – HollywoodDC Terms.spatial
Staff NotesYesText field to add general information. Not visible to the public.Use this field to enter general information that would not go in another specifically designated tag. This field is repeatable.N/A> From the papers of the Chase family.local.staffNotes
Work Type YesA designation that represents the style or technique contained in textual or graphic materials. More than one type may be selected.Recommended best practice is to use a controlled vocabulary such as the Library of Congress Genre/Form Terms for Library and Archival Materials (LCGFT), or RBMS Genre Terms. In the case that a more specific vocabulary may be necessary to represent a specific resource, use preferred terms from a recognized controlled vocabulary.type

> (LCGFT): Courtroom art

> (RBMS Genre Terms): Caricatures

Any other defined element      

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